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"Great, so just when one threat is eliminated, another takes its place," said Nova, shaking her head. Everyone was filling her in on what she had missed since she was last with them. "So this 'Lotor' is the heir to the Galra empire. Why does the universe's greatest threat have to be the stubborn Galra? Why can't it be someone who is more reasonable?"

"Well, so far, Lotor acts nothing like his father," said Pidge, watching her screen intently. "Which could be really good, or really bad."

"Lotor seems smarter than his old man," Lance added, lounging back in his chair. "He doesn't use brute force."

"So he is a strategist," Nova said. "A good strategy can be just as deadly as any sword."

"Which worries me," Allura said. "Even though I was able to connect with the blue lion and we finally formed Voltron, we still are new to our positions. We aren't as strong as we could be."

Lance chortled. "Yeah, we formed Voltron, no thanks to leader Keith."

"You know I can still hear you guys!" came Keith's irritated voice over the transmission.

"Are you finding anything out there?" Nova leaned over Pidge's shoulder, looking at her screen.

"Not a thing," replied Keith, trying not to sound disappointed. "I'm going to head back soon. The Black Lion needs a recharge."

"Hunk, what about you?" Pidge asked.

"Same here," Hunk said through the screen. "A whole lot of emptiness out here."

Allura sighed. "We can try again tomorrow."

A while later, Nova and Keith were sparring in the training room. Nova wielded her metal rod against Keith's sword. She was much more sturdy on her prosthetic limbs than she used to be, so she was able to hold her own against the former red paladin. She had never properly sparred with him before like she had with Shiro, and his fighting style was different. How, though, she couldn't quite figure out.

"You've gotten stronger," remarked Keith, impressed.

"Thank you," Nova replied, stepping back to avoid a sword swing. "It feels good to be sturdy on my own two legs again. Well, not technically my own."

Keith gave an amused smile, deflecting a jab from Nova. "They were made for you, so they're kind of yours." She feigned another jab, which he went to block but instead was met with a high kick to his shoulder, knocking him to the ground. "Nice kick."

Nova smirked, placing her foot over Keith's right arm so that it was stuck between her metal heel. "So how is being the new leader of Voltron?" She tried to sound happy for him.

From the ground, Keith heaved a sigh; half from being winded, half from being tired of answering that question. "It's hard work. But nothing I can't handle!" In a swift movement, Keith swept Nova's supporting leg out from under her and she fell on her back with a thud.

They both just laid there, most of their energy spent. Nova turned her head to look at Keith. His dark hair stuck to his sweaty skin and his chest rose up and down as he tried to catch his breath. She lightly nudged him. "You'll make Shiro proud," she said encouragingly.

Keith's face fell. "Yeah..."

Nova sat up, propping herself on her left arm, and looked down at him, concerned. "You don't sound as confident as you did a second ago."

"I never wanted this."

"I don't think anyone wanted this to happen," Nova lowered her eyes. "I mean you all worked so well together when Shiro was here. But because things have changed, does not mean you won't be that strong again."

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