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Nova paced back and forth in the hangar where everyone was waiting for the Black Lion to return. Her hands were shaking so she shoved them firmly under her arms.

"I can't believe we found him," said Hunk, still trying to wrap his head around the fact the Keith had located Shiro.

"Keith said he's in rough shape, so it probably won't be a good idea to crowd him," Pidge pointed out.

Just then the Castle opened and the Black Lion glided in. Laying its large head on the ground, it opened its mouth. Everyone waited anxiously until they saw Keith walking out, supporting a very different looking Shiro. His hair had grown down to his shoulders and he was sporting scruffy facial hair. Nova couldn't contain herself and she rushed forward, wrapping her arms tightly around Shiro's torso. Tears streamed down her face as she buried her face into his chest, trying to control her sobbing.

"I'm s-sorry, I k-know what Keith said b-but I c-can't help i-it," she managed to choke out between sobs. She had never felt this much happiness before, and she didn't know it could manifest itself in such a way. She felt strong arms wrap around her, making her feel secure.

"It's good to see you, too," Shiro said weakly. She looked up at with a tear-streaked face. He brushed her hair out of her face. "The last time I saw you..." he trailed off. "I thought you were..."

"I was," Nova sniffed.

"Your hair is short," Shiro said, letting the ends of her hair brush the tips of his finger.

She nodded, wiping her tears. "There will be time for all of this later. There are others who want to say hi." Regretfully, she stepped to the side as one by one, the rest of the paladins welcomed their comrade home. Lance and Hunk supported him on either side as they left to take him to his room. Keith hung back when he noticed Nova was dragging her feet.

"You okay?" he asked.

Nova nodded. "I'm so relieved he is alive."

"I sense a 'but' coming."

"Something's different about him." She had sensed something off but wasn't sure how to explain it.

"He's been gone for a while, and who knows what happened to him. I'm sure he's still the same Shiro inside." No response. "Come on, let's catch up," Keith gave her a pat on the back, and they both joined the others; but she still had an uneasy feeling inside her.


"Another Galra outpost down," said Pidge, tapping away at her console. "Will someone let the Blade of Marmora know that was the last one in this quadrant?"

"We'll get on it," Keith replied, entering the room.

Nova walked over to him, knowing he just came from talking to Shiro. "How is he?"

"He's okay," Keith said, not meeting her eyes. "He'll join us when he's ready."

For the next hour, everyone started working on where to find the next Galra outpost and/or Lotor. Just then then the doors to the room opened, and Shiro walked in. He cut his long hair back to his usual undercut, and he wore a confident smile.

"Great job out there everyone," he said. "You've really turned the war's tide. I'm glad you stayed focused on the mission while I was gone."

"You're looking better," said Lance. "How are you feeling?"

"Good," the black paladin responded, "Just trying to get rid of this weird headache."

Nova's smile faltered at his words, that uneasy feeling from before returned.

"Guys, I think I have something here!" cried Pidge. Everyone gathered around her chair, peering at her screen. "So I downloaded intel from the Galra base we just defeated. I untied the quantum-folded encryption, and found some information on Lotor."

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