Chapter 5 The Maiden Of Mystery

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Your POV
After I helped Natsuki early today with her problems I did admit it felt nice to be there for her, it almost made me not want to leave her.She was vulnerable and it worried me for multiple reasons because even though I've only joined about 2 days ago, I could already tell that she was the type who didn't want to feel Vulnerable and weak.

After school I walked towards the Classroom which was the Literature Club and walked in only to find Monika, And Yuri, But as I scanned the room the closet door was wide open.."Hi Y/N!" "Hi!"I said in reply, Yuri didn't really say anything until I walked right past her on my way to the closet as I knew who would be in there"Umm....Y/N?!"I stooped and turned to face her."Yes?" "Umm...I g-got you a g-gift, I h-hope you like I-it....."She said while blushing madly and looking away.

I said thanks and opened it reveal a black colored book with a weird symbol on the front."Thanks I'll make sure to read it.What category is this?"I asked curiously."Oh!'s F-fantasy, a-and V-violence..." "This is my kind of book,Thanks!" I said as I bent down and gave her a quick hug which she just blushed even more and turned away while quietly saying "your welcome...."I smiled and let go.

I then walked over to the closet to see Natsuki sitting while reading a Manga.She didn't notice me and so I walked over to her and sat down by her."Hi Natsuki..."She Just weakly looked over at me and it seemed like she has been holding something, I scooted over to her and brought her into an embrace which she gladly accepted and started to cry into my shoulder.I may not know what happened to make her this way but, I didn't want to see her like this.She continued to cry into my shoulder as I rubbed her back."It's Natsuki, it's alright..."I said soothingly.
After a little while of us like this she stopped and said."T-thanks Y-Y/N....." "Your welcome and are you sure your ok?!"I asked worried.

Natsuki's POV
He asked me in a worried tone, I was surprised to see that he was so caring about me.I wish that I could tell him the truth about my dad but I wouldn't have anywhere to go, and not to mention that my other family relatives live out of state....

"Uhh....Y-yeah I'm fine...."I said but, I'm pretty sure he didn't believe me."If you say so....but if you need anything then understand that I'm always here for you.."He said as he quickly planted a kiss on top of my head.I watched As Y/N quickly got up and walked away leaving me to think about the kiss.I gently touched the spot where he kissed me and smiled.

Your POV

I can't believe I just did that, I actually had the courage to kiss her.Well not a full on kiss but, a kiss nonetheless.I walked towards the classroom door to go and get a drink of water.

As I was drinking the water I couldn't but think of Sayori and if she was alright, after all she was pretty much my only friend..... I tried my best not to think about it and walked back into the classroom, I walked until I felt a tug on my sleeve as I looked to see who it is.


"Umm....Nat mention something about y-you writing a-a poem, a-and I wanted t-to ask you about I-It...."She said shyly as I chuckled.I guess she thought I was laughing as how shy she was because she just tilt her head down even more than it already was."I'm not laughing at your shyness Yuri, I'm laughing at the Nickname you, Sayori, And Monika gave her.I think it's cute!"I said while pulling up a chair to sit next to her, as I sat down and she handed me my poem.

"So what did you want to ask me about?"I said."Umm....I was wondering at how good you are at poems and script writing, I find it very interesting that you plan on  creating your own series and how amazing the storyline is!?"I just sat there transfixed at how Yuri went from being all shy to a freaking expert in less than 10 seconds!!"Ok first of all, How did you get my Scripts?" "Ohh....ummm...Natsuki g-gave me these,....I'm g-guessing she took them with out asking.Thats usually her."

"Ok, I'll talk to Natsuki about this later.Now What was the second question?"I asked as I looked over towards the closet."OH! was how and why did you get so good at writing, and why?"I then tried to think back and remembered why, but found it painful to say." Dad was a script writing....he would get hired by different movie directors and would have to write the story or the dialogue.He was one of the more famous script writers, but when he died.....everything changed for us.My mom had a pretty good job and still made lots of money but, it wasn't the same..."I said as I fidgeted with my hands.

"I' sorry for your loss.."Yuri said in a sad tone as she looked back down at the scripts..."It's Alright..."I said in a sadden tone."At least you still have some of him in you." "What do you mean?" "Since you like script writing and he did it, I'd say you too were pretty close...." "Heh....yeah....thanks Yuri..."I said as she handed me back the papers."Oh! Sayori told me that you have a knife collection and I was wondering if You actually have a knife collection?" "Uhh...w-we....y-yes I d-do have a knife c-collection....t-there mostly used for d-display only though...."She said in a unsure and almost panicked tone."Oh,well you'll have to show me sometime!"

I then walked over to the closet, as I walked towards the closet Monika said that it was time for everyone to leave.As I began to walk I heard the sound the closet close and another pair of footsteps.I looked behind me to see Natsuki walking away from the closet with a blush on her face."Are you ok Natsuki?" I asked her as she stopped Beside me."C-can you Uhh...w-walk me...home..."She said in a nervous tone."Umm sure."

Along the walk the atmosphere was filled with a awkward tension until one of decided to break the ice and pretty soon we started chatting about normal stuff, I even got her to laugh a couple of times.Once we arrived at her house we stopped at the front door but she seemed nervous about something."What's wrong?" "Uhh...Nothing..." "Well...Bye Natsu-"I was cut off because Natsuki quickly kissed my right cheek, and with that she said bye and was gone before I could even turn my head to say something.

I smiled and began to walk away back to my house, turns out that Natsuki's house is actually not that far from my house.As I was walking I remembered that Sayori hadn't come to school at all today or respond to any of my texts or calls and I was getting worried.

So I made a quick detour to her house to find out what happened, she really left me Hanging today....

Hey guys sorry this was supposed to be out yesterday but I got caught up in school and had to do some other things but anyways the Romance between Y/N and Natsuki has began.Also What will Y/N find at Sayori's house and what will happen.See ya in the next chapter!!

Little side note:A major event for Everyone will be approaching soon, what will it hold for them....

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