Chapter 20 "My Sweet Cupcake..."

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Seven chapters left until the story is over,...honestly I'm actually kind of sad to end this story soon but that won't be for a while.Well we all get what we want during this chapter....a lemon scene between Y/N and Natsuki so without any further chatting, ENJOY!!

-Also this is going to be a long ass chapter....

A few weeks later...

You're POV

It had been about 3 weeks since the fight at the mall and the Person that has been stalking us, it's actually been getting worse and it's really starting to freak my whole family out.Even to the point where they tried to get into the house and into my room through the window which scared Natsuki for the next week or two and we had the police come to check it out to find anything but to no avail.We ended putting locks on the windows and doors now which seemed to keep them away.

Nothing too much has happened at school, except that we took some tests to see where we are.Monika returned a few days after the stalking happened and she and Natsuki are still at each other's throats and were still banned from the club, but we really don't care anymore since the others teased Us.Speaking of teasing, some of the kids that recorded what happened at the Festival was cleared up and now they see that Monika was the actual enemy, which lowered her popularity.

My relationship with Natsuki has grown pretty fast and we really love each other and we don't hide any secrets and we openly talk to each other about how we feel, we will sometimes get into arguments but, they always end up with us apologizing and cuddling.We been getting a little more imitate with each other and that can escalate quick but we always stop since we know we both aren't ready.

However, tomorrow's Natsuki's Birthday and based on what she's told me....she's only had 4 birthdays and only because her mother was still alive and when she died that's when her.....father started abusing her....I've already planned out what I'm going to do as I'm going to take her to go see a movie, go to the mall, and then a special place that actual just opened.Im not inviting the others as only Sayori, Yuri, and my mom would be there and that's not really exciting.

"*Beep*Beep*Beep*" The killing sound of my alarm clock sounded off as I reached over to turn it off, I shut it off and closed my eyes while starting to stroke Natsuki's hair.I found out that whenever I rub her Back, Head or Stomach it actually helps her sleep a lot faster and better.I then felt Natsuki shift her head as she yawned and looked at me with sleepy eyes."Morning Birthday Girl..."I said as her eyes widen and she said."That's today..." "Yep!And I have a whole day planned out for you!"I said as she squealed in delight which made me chuckle lightly as she got up to go take a shower while I sat up and got some fresh clothes.

I went down stairs and began making breakfast for us, I grabbed all of the ingredients and began the mixing process.Not soon after they were down and ready to be devoured.

"Mmm...Something smells good.."Natsuki said as she grabbed 2 pancakes and a few pieces of bacon and went to sit down while I got my food and drinks."It's either you or the food that smells good..."I said as I sat down next to Natsuki with caused Her to blush but lightly chuckle.I laughed and started eating.After eating we relaxed for a few minutes and watched some tv and then we headed out.

I unlocked my car and got in, I then turned it on making the car purr to life as Natsuki buckled up and with that out of the way.We were off to the movies.

After a few minutes of driving we arrived at the movie theatre."Alright here we are..."I said as we got out of the car and be*n to head for the Theater."So what movie are we seeing!?"Natsuki asked excitedly."Were seeing a movie that's in your alley!" "So it's a Anime Movie!!"She shrieked as we walked into the Theater."You'll See!"I said as we got in line and began to pick out our candy and drinks.I got Some sour patch candies, Natsuki got some Mini Reece's Cups, I also order some popcorn and a drink for us.

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