Please be Patient

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Alright I'm very sorry that I haven't been posting and I have no excuses besides the fact that I've been getting lazy and anxious for summer to get here already and I recently got my STAAR Test results and I PASSED BOTH with meeting standards which I'm VERY PROUD of and I recently reached 100 Subscribers on my YouTube channel which I'm also proud of.

More chapters are coming, and I'm currently working on the next chapter which I estimated to be about 3000 words since it revolves around Y/N and Natsuki and a pretty juicy lemon that will satisfy  you and the people who read the next chapter.Im not giving up on this story and it will be finished and for those of you will be asking if there will be a there wil be not.

Again, all I ask of you is for your patience and faith in this story and support as I'll try and get the next chapter(s) posted as soon as possible.


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