3- Bedtime

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"Deliiiilllllaaahhh!" Luke sings, chuckling as he walks back into the living room after putting all the dishes from dinner in the dishwasher.

The raven haired girl is sitting on the carpet of the living room floor, intently watching the cartoon while chewing on her stuffed puppies ear.

"Delilah, babygirl." He says as he bends down to grab her. She whines and tries to look over his shoulder at the tv but her daddy turns the show off.

"No! Daaaaa!" She whines. Luke pecks her nose as he carries her up the stairs to her nursery.

He puts her in her crib with a blanket and pillow and kisses her forehead.

"Goodnight, dolly." He chuckles, going to leave the room, but is met with a scream as Delilah realizes he's attempted to just leave her all alone.

He spins on his heel and walks back to her crib, sighing as he picks her up, which silences her scream.

"No. That's a bad girl. No." He scolds, patting her bottom.

"No! No da!" Delilah cries.

Luke shushes her and tries to put her back in her crib, only to receive the same result.

"AHHHHHHH!" He cringed and scoops her up again, carrying her downstairs.

"How bout a bottle before bedtime, huh princess?" He sighs.

"No! No!" She pouts. He makes her a bottle of mild with vanilla and sugar and heats it up, cradling her in his arms as he tries to feed it to her.

She refuses to open her mouth as Luke carries her up the stairs, plopping down in a rocking chair with her laying in his lap.

"Cmon, babe. Eat for daddy."

"Daddy." She whines.

"Yes, daddy." He chuckles.

"Da-" this time, when she says it, he puts the bottle between her open lips, making her pout, but she drinks the yummy substance anyway.

It does make her a bit sleepy, but still, when she's finished and Luke tries to put her in the crib, she screams.


Luke smacks her bottom in warning, which makes her cry, just as it did last time.

She wiggles so he sets her down, and she immediately runs out of the room.

Luke sighs and chases after her, calling her.

"Delilah! No! Come here right now! Bad girl!" He scolds as she escapes his reach by an inch and darts around a corner.

He follows her into the room she's cornered herself in and scoops her up, landing another slap to her bottom, and she starts sobbing.

"No! No da!"

"Yes. Bedtime." He sighs as he carries her to her crib.

She tries to scream, but Luke claps a hand over her mouth, grabbing a binky and putting it in her mouth.

"Nuuu!" She says around it. "Duh-dee nuu!"

"Yes, Delilah. It's bedtime. Go to sleep." He lays her down and tucks her in, but she reaches up and takes the binky out of her mouth.

"Tuf! Tuf! Da!" She whines. Luke sighs and grabs a few more stuffies, putting them in with her, before leaving the room, ignoring her when she screams this time.

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