35- Always

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"Daddy!" Delilah whines as she runs into his office and crawls into his lap.

"Yes baby?" He chuckles with a sigh, bringing a hand to her cheek and running it through the black strands of hair.

Delilah whines and leans forward, connecting their lips and not pulling back. The blonde let's her for a few moments before grabbing her hips and disconnecting them.

"Daddy's got some work to do right now pumpkin, do you wanna bring some toys in here and play while I'm busy?"

"No daddy! Kisses."

Luke chuckles and pecks her lips. "That's all princess, no more. Are you going to bring toys in and play?"

"Daddy! Big kisses. Want Big girl kisses!"

"Daddy's busy, sweetheart." Delilah whines and throws herself back and Luke hurries with wide eyes to catch her before she wacks her spine on his desk.

"Give baby kisses!" Delilah demands, wiggling around in lukes lap.

"No, Delilah. You're being naughty. Daddy told you, not right now. Go get some toys or coloring books and come back." Luke removes the girl from his lap and sends her out of the room with a light smack to her bottom when she stomps her foot at him.

Delilah doesn't come back in for a while and Luke sighs as he finishes up the section of *whatever he's doing I'm too lazy to put real effort into choosing a job where he can work from home for him but just use your own imagination* and stands, heading to her room and opening her door. Delilah doesn't seem to notice, too caught up in what she's doing.

Luke gasps at what he sees and closes the door quickly, blue eyes wide.

Delilah does hear the door slam shut and gasps, standing quickly and putting her hands in her hair, cheeks flaming red as she wonders what to do now that she's been caught.

Luke gulps and re enters the room, ready to stop the little girl but finds her sitting up in bed looking at him with wide eyes and flushed cheeks- no longer straddling and rubbing against a pillow with a hand sneaking down to rub herself over her panties.

The two stare at each other for a while before Luke gulps.

"Daddy's all done working doll, are you hungry?" Delilah frowns. She's not sure what she was expecting but not for Luke to act like it didn't happen.

She nods and reaches her arms up to him, he gladly picks her up and kisses her cheek before she buries her warm face in his neck and heads downstairs with her.

Delilah whines when she's set down at the table. "Macca cheese?"

"Sure love."

Both are confused as to what to do to confront the situation, so neither do anything. Luke can't stop thinking about it whenever Delilah wants big girl kisses, wondering if it means she's... no, he will not associate that word with his innocent baby.

Delilah is frustrated with it, though. She wants her relationship with Luke to go farther and though she was embarrassed, she kind of hoped it would open a door to that. But no, Luke has slammed the door and locked it and hid the key from himself.

Gradually delilahs frustration becomes more clear through her actions. She'd beg for big girl kisses and not want to stop at first.

That soon graduated to subtle grinding when Luke wasn't getting the hint.

When Luke noticed what she was doing, he was shocked. He instantly lifted her hips from his and looked at her.

"No." He mutters, but it's not very firm.

"Daddy pees." She whines.

"No." He repeats, Delilah luckily doesn't seem to notice that despite that he's growing. "You're too little."

But Luke refuses even the idea of his baby having sex or anything close to it. Of course he loves her and he finds her incredibly sexy but she's just his innocent little baby, sex is so grown up and he does not want his baby to be grown up yet. Not ever.

Delilah pouts and whines.

After multiple attempts and even blatantly humping a pillow in front of Luke knowingly- to which he lifted her away from it, told her 'naughty girl! Don't do that' and took her downstairs to watch a movie- Delilah is becoming very confused and upset.

Why doesn't he want her? They kiss, that's sexual, why can't she have more now that she's ready? Why doesn't luke want more? He tells her she's pretty and beautiful all the time. Does he not think she's sexy too? Was she wrong entirely about what kind of relationship this is and how it works? How he sees her?

"Daddy?" Delilah whimpers to him as they're lying in bed trying to sleep.

"Hm sweet girl?"

Delilah sits up and looks at him with a wide frown and big teary green eyes. Luke sits up a bit too and turn on the lamp.

"What's wrong sugar? Why're you upset?"

"Daddy, I... pretty?"

"Of course you are babygirl, so gorgeous, why are you upset about that?" Luke is very confused, Delilah has never seemed to be insecure with her looks.

Delilah shakes her head. "Big girl pretty." She mumbles. Luke knows exactly what she means, and now understands why she's upset.

It makes his chest ache that she's having these thoughts and feeling this way. He pulls her into his chest and kisses her head.

"You're big girl pretty, baby. But you're too little. You're my innocent little baby, you're not ready to be so grown up yet."

"Yes, daddy!" She argues. "Ready."

"Baby... maybe daddies not ready for you to grow up yet." He whispers, mostly to himself. "Want you to stay my baby. If you keep... maturing like this, soon you won't be my baby at all." He knows it's not fair to not let her mature if she wants to, but he's still not ready for this.

"Always baby, daddy." Luke smiles. "Your baby." She giggles at a memory. "My daddy."

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