31- Learning

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"Delilah, pay attention baby." Luke sighs with a smile. The little girls head snaps back and she grins innocently. "Look, what color is this?" He asks as he points to the crayon.


"You're close, almost. Oooo..." Delilah's head tilts. "Rrrrrr-" Luke continues. Delilah gives him a strange look and he sighs. "Orange, baby. Say orange."

"Orange." Delilah smiles, attempting to crawl into lukes lap for kisses.

"No delilah, pay attention baby. Delilah- delilah, sweetheart, it's not time for kisses. Listen to daddy." Luke huffed as he picked Delilah up off his lap and set her in front of him again.

"What color is this one?"


"Pink, that's right. How about this one?"


"Good job baby. Now this one."


"Orange, Delilah. Listen to daddy, okay? This is orange. This ones red, this ones orange, okay?"


"What color is this?"


"No, baby, that ones red. Red." Luke groaned, becoming impatient. "What's this one?"


"Yessss, you got it lilah! How about this one?"


"Yep, and this one?"


"Good girl! How about this one, what color?"

"Orange!" Delilah shouts without even looking at the crayon lukes pointing to.

"You sure? Look close, baby. Look. What color?"

Delilah doesn't answer, instead she picks up the red crayon Luke is pointing at and tries to color.

"Delilah, no, we're not coloring." Luke sighs as he takes the crayon out of her hand.

"Daddy!" She whines, trying to grab it back.

"Pay attention, babygirl. What about this one, what color is this?" Delilah doesn't answer, instead she lets out a cry and throws herself on the ground, sobbing.

Luke sighs, sitting in silence with a raised eyebrow as he watches her fit, waiting for her to give up on her little antics of crocodile tears put on to make Luke feel bad and give up making her sit here and learn.

It doesn't take long before Delilah airs back up and glares at lukes merciless expression. "Bad daddy."

"No, bad Delilah. Now, what color is this? Tell daddy."




"Say no to me again little girl, see what happens." Delilah's jaw clenches at the threat, shooting a fiery glare at her daddy, who refuses to relent.

"What color is it."

Delilah's eyes slowly glance down and then back up at Luke.

"Red." She huffs. Luke smiles victoriously.

"Very good." He pulls a small candy bar out of something behind him and hands it to Delilah who whines and throws it away from her before seeming to realize what it is when it lands and crawling over to it to open it and eat it, still glaring warily at the blonde who smiles smugly despite her attitude.

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