40- Tricks

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Taehyung and delilah played in her room for a while. Delilah wasn't exactly used to the way tae wanted to play-she wasn't used to any other littles really- she was a girl and liked dolls and dress up and playing pretend, but tae enjoyed playing a bit more rambunctiously. When offered a Barbie, he made his fight delilahs and giggled the whole way through, making Delilah giggle as well. She decided to change to stuffies, and the boy began throwing them at her and laughing, and delilah realized she quite enjoyed this game.

So, they've been jumping around the room, chucking soft plushies at eachother, and squealing and giggling- occasionally re-enacting some dramatic death scene.

Finally they wear out, laying on their backs on the ground next to eachother and panting.

"We should play a trick on our daddies." Tae offers and delilah frowns and looks at him, not understanding.

"Like a prank? A joke? Trick them." Tae tries to explain, but the girl doesn't seem to be getting it.

"Here, I have an idea, just follow me." He stands and pulls the girl up, making her giggle as he'd dragged her up by her underarms. He grabs her hand and starts to sneakily lead her downstairs, wanting her to be quiet.

As they reach the back door, Delilah tugs one his arm and he looks at her worried face.

"No outside, bad. Trouble. Daddy mad." She whispers and Taehyung shakes his head, putting his finger to his lips and leading her out, quietly shutting the door behind them and then hiding behind the wall since the door is completely glass and their caregivers would see them from there.

"Oppa." Delilah whines, worried about making her caregiver mad. Tae smiles brightly and giggles, telling her she's cute. "T-trouble!" She insists. "Daddy Ti mount, s-sp-spankies." She crosses her arms and pouts as the boy laughs.

"I promise you won't get in trouble delilah, I won't let you, its just a trick, it's for fun. I play tricks on cookie all the time, they'll just get a little scared and then we'll open the door and yell 'got you!' And make fun of them for being scared. They won't be mad." Delilah sighs, accepting his promises- what she understands of them- and peeks in, seeing that the daddies are about to head upstairs to check on them and giggling. Taehyung looks too and smirks.

"Now they're gonna look all over upstairs and yell for us and then they'll come look downstairs for a while and then we'll do it, okay?" Tae explains.

"Kay, oppa." Delilah agrees and Taehyung squeals, pinching the girls cheek lightly and then hugging her.

"You're so cute!" He giggles. "Oh, look!" He points to the window and the two hide better, peeking around through the glass and watching the daddies look around the downstairs for them, calling their names, which they can faintly hear through the door.

"Don't worry too much, taehyung likes to try and play tricks like this with me and he's always just hiding somewhere and laughing at me getting worried." Jungkook tells the other caregiver, who's a little shaken up.

"Delilahs never... done anything like that." He mutters. He tries to believe the man but he's getting a little overprotective and anxious.

"Really Babygirl, time to come out now!" Luke calls, trying to keep a calm composure and not let his thoughts get the better of him.

"Okay lilah, now!" Tae says and they thickly swing the door open and yell "got you!" Together.

The caregivers sigh in relief and Jungkook chuckles, summoning his little to him. Tae listens and his daddy scoops him up and takes him a good few feet away as Luke does the same with his own little.

"Listen, taehyung-ah. I know you like to play tricks on daddy and im okay with it- as long as you don't go too far- but Luke isn't used to that and he got scared, you don't want to get your friend in trouble, right?" Jungkook explains and tae whines.

"I told her she wouldn't get in trouble, don't let Lukey be mad at her!" He insists and jungkook nods.

"Lukes not mad, he was just worried, and I don't think delilahs allowed to go outside without him, so you made her break a rule. Did Delilah want to do that?" The caregiver asks and tae bites his lip.

"Not at first, but I told her it would be funny and then she did." He answers truthfully. Jungkook sighs.

"How about next time if you're gonna play tricks with Delilah, you just have to stay inside the house, okay?" He asks and tae nods. "Okay, Thankyou baby."

Luke is quick to scoop up his little girl and kiss her cheek when she comes back in, but then he sets her down and kneels in front of her.

"Delilah, you know better than to go outside without me, baby." He scolds lightly and delilah pouts.

"A trick!" She insists and he smiles and nods.

"I know baby, you and tae were playing a trick on us, but it's not safe to go outside. You can play a trick and stay inside, okay?" He explains.

"Tae said no trouble!" She frets, Luke nods and kisses her cheek.

"You're not in trouble, daddy isn't mad, I just need you to understand it's never okay to go outside without an adult, okay? No matter what your friends tell you. Tae just didn't know the rules, it's okay, but you know, so you need to tell your friends if they want to do something against the rules." Delilah sighs and nods, pouting.

"Sowwy." She pouts and Luke smiles and kisses her cheek, hugging her close.

"Daddy loves you, princess."

"Love daddy." Delilah mumbles into his shoulder.

"Why don't you two go play some more, now." Luke says with a chuckle, seeing that taehyung seems to be waiting patiently for Luke to release Delilah.

The girl happily nods and grabs taes hand, dragging him back upstairs.

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