25- Kissmas

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"Delilah, babygirl, wake up for daddy?" Luke asks gently, unable to suppress the grin on his face at the excitement of today. He scoops the sleeping girl up out of her crib and holds her to his chest, rubbing her back as she whines.

"cmon, baby cakes, youre gonna have so much fun today, daddys gonna spoil his little brat rotten." luke chuckles, bouncing the little one on his hip as he carries her downstairs, where breakfast is on the table already.

"No. seep." delilah grunts, and luke chuckles.

"Look at all the food daddy made, baby, theres even chocolate chip pancakes." But delilah refuses to open her eyes. Luke sighs and tries to set her down, being met with a shriek. "Delilah! cmon princess, dont be naughty, todays supposed to be a good day, but if daddy has to spank the brat out of you for that to happen, he will. Be a good girl."

The tall man lets go of the pale little girl as she flops to the floor dramatically, whimpering and sniffling. Luke groans.

"Delilah rose hemmings, stand up, come sit at the table, and eat your breakfast, please, baby."

"NO!" Delilah shrieks. Luke growls and scoops her up, setting the baby at the table in front of her plate.

"Cmon, baby, look, it's pancakes. Daddy will even feed you if you want."

"NO! No eat!" She cries, flopping out of the wood chair and back into the floor.

"You're so silly baby. That can't be comfy." Luke chuckles, scooping Delilah up. "Tell daddy what you want, Delilah. Do you want cuddles? I think you'll be in a better mood if you eat?"

"No." Delilah cries, and Luke sighs. He'd much rather cheer his baby up than have to spank her, so he begins kissing all over her face.

It doesn't work. This only wildly irritates the little girl, and she shrieks and thrashes away, hitting Luke's chest.

"Fine." Luke sighs, setting Delilah down and grabbing her arm so she won't fall to the ground as he lays a hard smack to her backside.

He immediately pulls the little one into a hug, rubbing over where he spanked and kissing her cheeks. "I love you baby, you gotta be a good girl and eat breakfast, alright?" He says gently. "Daddy loves you."

"Uvoo. No eat." Delilah pouts. Luke frowns and sits in a chair, pulling his little one into his lap.

"Cmon baby, it's chocolate! What do you mean no?" He grabs he fork and stabs a piece, holding it in front of Delilah. Delilah pouts and eats it, smiling at the yummy taste, and Luke chuckles, standing and sitting her down to let her dig in as he eats his own.

Delilah quickly clears her plate and then crawls into her daddy's lap, stealing a bite of his bacon. Luke gasps and playfully glares as delilah giggles. "Gimme that back, you brat. Didn't even wanna eat your own breakfast, now you're stealing daddies." He chuckles.

"Today is Christmas baby, can you say Christmas?"

"Kissmas." Delilah giggles.

"Yep, and you get presents."

"Pesants." Delilah grins, not really knowing what the word means but she's glad her daddy is happy.

"Yeah. Let's go see your presents." Luke scoops Delilah up and carries her to the living room, setting her next to the Christmas tree - that Delilah has been ever so curious about, why would daddy bring a tree into the house, but not like her for bringing rocks inside from the yard?

Luke sets one of the wrapped boxes in Delilah's lap, and she opens it and frowns when seeing it's a bag of some sort of animal food.

She gives her daddy a strange look before opening the next, a water dispenser for small animals. Then a box of small animal toys, and a few other boxes of animal supplies. Delilah gets very excited when she opens the largest present, a big cage with a red bottom and white bars.

Finally, Luke hands her a box very carefully, warning her to be gentle, and she takes the top off the box and shrieks when she sees the little black and white bunny.

"Shh, baby, don't scream, you're gonna scare it." Luke chuckles. Delilah carefully picks the small bunny up and holds it to her chest, smiling widely.

"Thankyou Daddy, se agapó." She giggles, and Luke kisses her head.

"Se agapó, li baby, I love you." Luke chuckles, and Delilah hands the bunny to the blonde and grabs the cage, taking it to her room and then taking all of its other supplies in, setting everything up before coming back out and taking the bunny from her daddy and sitting in his lap as she cuddles it.

The broad man wraps his arms around her and look down at her adoringly.

"What are you gonna name it, doll?"

"Bunny." Delilah looks at him, and he raises an eyebrow.

"You're gonna name your bunny bunny?"

"Oh." Delilah giggles, realizing what her daddy meant by the question and looking at the little black and white bunny. "Mmm... cookie."

"Cookie? That's a good name." Luke chuckles, kissing Delilah's neck. Delilah smiles and carefully stands, Luke holding her hips and helping her up, and Delilah takes the bunny to its cage in her room before coming out and straddling  Luke's lap as he sits on the couch.

The little one attaches her soft pink lips to the handsome mans slightly chapped red ones, and he goes to pull away after a few seconds but Delilah chases his lips, kissing him more and deeper.

Luke seems to notice what Delilah is initiating, and he grins and grabs her waist, pulling her away a bit.

"What are you doing, babygirl?" He asks gently, and Delilah smiles shyly.

"Kiss?" She blushes and buries her face in Luke's neck, kissing there lightly. She pulls away suddenly and gives him worried eyes.

"Bad? N-naughty?" She asks gently, biting her lip and looking very insecure for the first time since he's brought her home.

"No, no baby, it wasn't bad, or naughty, daddy just wanted to make sure you know what you're doing." Luke hums, running his fingers through his little ones hair. "That's big girl kissing, yeah?"

"Yes daddy. Want big girl kisses." Delilah blushes as she speaks quietly, and Luke smiles and flips so she's underneath him on the couch, leaning down and kissing her deeply again.

Luke licks over Delilah's lips gently before pulling back a bit, hovering over her while he supports himself on both arms. "Is this okay, princess?"

Delilah's still blushing, but she grins and nods. "More, please, daddy. More big girl kisses."

"You really are getting so good at talking, lilah, daddys so proud of his babygirl." Luke gushes, leaning down and kissing Delilah's forehead.

"Daddy!" Delilah whines, grabbing his shirt and tugging him closer.

"Ok, ok, baby. But you can tell daddy to stop whenever you want, yeah? Daddy won't be upset. Want my baby to be happy." Luke explains, and Delilah whines and pulls at him again.

"Ah ah, Delilah, tell me you understand.  You can tell me to stop if you want to, okay?"

"I und-undah-Stan." Delilah whines. "Kissies!"

Luke finally gives in and kisses his girl, moving his lips against hers and eventually slipping his tongue into her mouth.

Delilah doesn't want him to stop, in fact, when he tries to pull away she whines and tugs him back to her, so Luke chuckles and flips them over, his arms getting tired, and Delilah lays on his chest and kisses him some more.

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