39- New Friend

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"Babydoll?" Luke gently wakes his little up, bouncing her on his hip after scooping her up out of her crib. "Priiiinnnccceeessss? Wake up baby? Daddy has a exciting surprise for you today." He coos as he watches her green eyes slowly be revealed under her fluttering eyelashes.

"Dada." She mumbles and cuddles in closer. "Supise?" Delilah asks, looking at him curiously.

"Yep, there's a surprise today." He says with a fondly smile as he watches her rub the sleepy from her eyes.

"Cookie." She mumbles absentmindedly and wiggles to get down, going over to her bunnys cage and opening it, taking the fluffy thing out and snuggling it. After a few minutes of her snuggling it, Luke is done picking out her clothes for the day.

"Put cookie away baby, time to get dressed." The blonde man says gently and delilah nods and puts the fluffy black and white rabbit back in its cage after giving her a kiss on the head and saying "be good."

She looks at what her daddy picked out and decides not to be difficult about it today since there's a surprise, even though she likes telling daddy she doesn't like what he picked, bickering with him about it, and picking her own clothes- often from daddy's closet. But what he picked today is cute and she wants to be good so she nods and let's him dress her in the cute outfit he picked.

"What surprise?" The little girl asks and Luke smiles.

"Were gonna meet some new friends, my friend is bringing over his little boy." Luke explains and she frowns.

"Baby?" She asks, not exactly sure how to convey what she wants to ask.

"Is the little boy a baby?" Luke clarifies. Delilah nods and Luke thinks of how to explain it. "He's a baby like you're a baby. You're daddy's baby, but you're all grown up. He has a daddy too."

Delilahs jaw drops and she wiggles excitedly, she can't wait to meet the boy that's like her! "Yay! Daddy! Yay! Now! Now please!" She shrieks happily.

"I know, I know baby, I know you're excited but that hurts daddy's ears, don't scream. They'll come after lunch, okay little love?" Luke explains calmly and delilah whines.

"Now daddy." She pouts.

"I'm sorry baby. They have to get ready and eat breakfast and lunch too. Then they'll come." Luke assures and delilah whines, laying her head on his shoulder and giving him puppy dog eyes.

"I'm sorry lovey, there's nothing I can do. Would you like daddy to make you pancakes for brekkie?" Luke offers.

"I hep?" Delilah asks and Luke smiles.

"Of course, bunny." Delilah smiles, she lives being called bunny. She loves all of daddy's names for her. Luke brings her to the kitchen and sets her on a stool, beginning to grab what they need out.

"Can you fetch the milk babes?" Luke gives her a task, knowing she loves feeling like she's helping. Delilah happily jumps off the stool and runs to the fridge, grabbing the milk. She knows they need eggs to make pancakes so she grabs two of those as well, making her way back to the counter to set them on.

As she tries to set the heavy milk on the counter, she gets distracted and one of the two eggs she's holding in her hand slips. She gasps and looks over at Luke who turns to see what happened. Her eyes well with tears as she worries he's gonna be upset. After all, he hadn't told her to get the eggs, he'd told her to get the milk.

She sets the other eggs down as she begins crying and Luke is immediately by her side.

"That's okay baby, that's okay, accidents happen, it's alright, daddy's here. Don't cry princess." Luke coos, almost chuckling. The girl is definitely emotional today. "Don't worry, daddyll just clean it up, yeah? It'll be okay. I love you baby. Makes daddy so sad when I see my baby cry. No more tears?" Delilah sniffles and quickly wipes her eyes when Luke mentions it makes him sad, not wanting to make her daddy upset.

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