14- Being Told No

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While being sick, Delilah has acquired some excellent techniques to get what she wants, and Luke is not pleased, although, at least she's not sick anymore.

"Daddyyyyy!" Delilah whines from behind Luke as Luke attempts to do his grocery shopping.

"Babygirl." Luke sighs, turning around and raising an eyebrow at the little one, who points at the icecream.

"No, Delilah."

Lower lip trembling, eyes filling with water, sparkling innocent and hurt up at Luke, Delilah puts on the best show she can, whimpers included.

"Peas!" She wails as the water works start and she rubs her eyes, plopping herself on the ground.

"Delilah, you know better." Luke scolds as he scoops up he little one an makes her stand on her feet as she sails and cries.

"Look at daddy." Luke demands. Delilah opens her eyes to give the blonde a pitiful look, and he glares back at her. "Remember how daddy said you could get a dessert if you're good the whole time we're here? Well if you keep throwing this fit then no icecream at all. If you keep shopping and wait until daddy takes you back here to pick a dessert, then daddy will get you something."

Delilah lets out a scream and Luke cringes and claps a hand over her mouth.

"You, my dear, bee an attitude adjustment. Daddy spoiled you too much when you were sick." Luke mutters, glancing at the judgmental eyes wondering why he couldn't control his little.

When Delilah refuses to stop screaming, Luke lays a quick and heavy handed smack to here bottom, catching her attention and stopping her screaming, but only intensifying her tears.

"Bad girl. You're being a bad girl delilah." Luke scolds as he picks the little one up and puts her on his hip, pushing the shopping cart with the other hand as he flees to the back of the store where it's much less crowded.

He grabs put the little ones dummy and shoves it in her mouth, calming her some.

She grabs her stuffy that she brought along out of the backpack and cuddles it, tears streaming down her face and pouting up at Luke around her binky.

"Dada." She mumbles, snuggling into his chest. "Peas? Uvoo."

Luke chuckles at her antics and kisses her head.

"Behave yourself and we'll see. Even though I really shouldn't since you were such a brat, hm?"

"Dada." Delilah mumbles sleepily around her dummy.

"Cutie." Luke chuckles, kissing her head before setting her back on the ground and holding her hand as he continues shopping.

"Dada!" Delilah squeals as she points at the stuffie isle.

"No, daddy only buys good little girls who don't throw fits stuffies." Luke shakes his head.

"Dada peas? Uvoo. Good Lili." Delilah pouts.

"No, bad Lili." Luke chuckles, kissing the babygirls head, and he isn't surprised when her eyes fill with tears again. "Don't cry, baby, daddy loves you." Luke sighs. He grabs her hand and tries to pull her on to the next isle.

"dada peas!" She cries. "Uvoo! Uvoo!"

"No babydoll. No stuffie." Luke continues trying to tug her away.

"Daddy, Tuf! Peas, Uvoo!" Luke sighs at the little girl.

"I said no." He picks her up and puts her on his hip, moving on to a different isle and trying to quickly finish his shopping.

"No!" The little one cries. "Bad daddy!"

Luke can't help but chuckle at her expression of unhappiness with her daddy.

"Bad daddy! Bad!"

"Hush princess. We'll go home soon, but you're not getting icecream."

"Bad daddy..." Delilah cries into Luke's shoulder.

"I know baby, I wish I could give you whatever you want to, even if you're being naughty, but daddy also needs to teach his baby to be a good girl, and you'll never be a good girl if daddy rewards you for being naughty, hm?" Luke sighs as the little girl continues to sob into him. He smiles awkwardly at everyone he passes, who either give him judgemental, sympathetic, or admiring looks as he tries to calm the little one.

"I think you're gonna go down for a nap when we get home." Luke chuckles as he waits in the checkout lane.

He quickly pays for all his groceries as Delilah purposely puts on a show, crying harder and mumbling pitiful words- that make no sense, as they're a strange compilation of all the words she knows- loud enough that those around can hear.

Luke struggles to carry the pale girl and all the bags of groceries out to the car, but manages, and all Delilah does on the ride home is cries.

"Okay, babydoll, down for your nap now. Do you want a baba first?"

"Baba." The little one mumbles. When Luke tries to put her down, she lets out a heart wrenching wail.

"Okay baby, okay. Daddy will hold you. Calm down." Luke smiles, preparing her bottle for her.

The little one drinks quickly, then puts her dummy back in her mouth sleepily.

"Alright baby, bed time."

"Nuh uh." She mumbles, but gives no further protest when Luke takes her to her room, nor when he changes her into a onesie, until Luke tries to put her in her crib.

"No! Daddy!"

"I know baby. But you've gotta take a nap."

"Daddy. Dada." The raven haired girl cries.

"You wanna sleep in daddy's bed?" Luke asks as he carries her to his room.

Delilah snuggles into Luke's bed when he puts her under the covers.

"Good girl. I hope youre in a better mood when you wake up, princess. Do you need anything else?"


"More stuffies? Daddy can do that. Which ones?"

"Momo. Fox."

"Alright, I'll be right back lovely." Luke runs to her room to grab her stuffies and brings them back to her.

"Here we go. Daddy loves you, baby. Night night." Luke smiles and kisses her head.

"Dada, kissy." Luke complies before turning off the light and leaving the room.

"Dada! No bug bye!" Delilah yells. Luke sighs and goes back into the room.

"Go to sleep princess."


"You want daddy to take a nap with you?"


"Alright, princess. I suppose."

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