9. Muffin

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Author's Note:

Song for this chapter:  Basement  by More Giraffes


I love the flirty vibe to this song. I'm sure it's playing in the coffee house during this chapter...it's probably what pushes Sean to send Dru the naughty text. What text!?!?!? Read on:

Dru's worries returned with a vengeance the next morning when her phone pinged. It was Sean.

It was a picture of three white and green paper cups of coffee, wrapped in hand keepers and nestled in a coffee carrier, and the message:

Good morning! Your coffee is getting cold. I've got your muffin, too. Tell Lana to hurry the hell up.

Dru blinked. All last semester, they had met Sean at the coffee house on Friday mornings—a kickstart to the weekend. It wasn't unusual for Sean to get there first, to let them know he had ordered, and it was also usual for him to hurry Lana along, as he always did.

But he had always texted Lana, not Dru.

"Who's that?" Lana asked as she grabbed her bag and pulled her own phone off her charger.

Dru held up her phone to show Lana, who laughed as her dark eyes squinted across the distance to see the screen. "He's really thrown me over for you, hasn't he?"

"Lana —"

"Jesus, Dru, I'm kidding. It's fine. It's more than fine, it's good!" Dru thought her voice sounded a little too bright, though. "Better text him back or he'll start walking this way to make sure we aren't sleeping in and blowing off class."

As they jogged down the stairs, Dru dutifully texted back.

On our way. Be there in 5.

Her phone pinged immediately, another picture. This one of Sean's left hand, giving the thumb's up sign.

Dru laughed, but Lana said, "He's so dorky. There's an emoji for that."

Dru was still laughing. "I think that's kind of the point, Lana. He was trying to be...funny."

"He needs to try harder," Lana rolled her eyes. "What are you doing?"

Dru had stepped off the sidewalk, behind a parked car and was snapping a picture of a smiley face bumper sticker and sending it to Sean.

"You guys are disgusting already, you know that, right?" Lana said smugly.

Dru slid her phone into the back pocket of her jeans. "Shut-up. It's not like that. I told you, we left things tense yesterday. He's just trying to put things back to normal, that's all. Which is good, because I don't want us to be weird."

Lana swept her eyes around Dru and said nothing. Dru stopped dead, putting her hands on her hips and staring Lana down. "Are you checking my aura to see if I'm telling the truth?" Dru hissed.

"More like to see if you are lying to yourself. But I can't see it. It's only once in awhile, in dim light, that I see one," Lana admitted begrudgingly.

Dru's phone pinged again. Lana rolled her eyes, but when Dru's eye's went wide, she grabbed the phone from Dru.

Stop playing in the street, while you make me wait. Don't you know I'm starving for your...

"Holy shit, this is a new side of Sean," Lana muttered, surprised. Then another ping, and Lana burst out laughing—so exuberantly and so long that people started to give them a wide berth on the street as Dru grabbed for the phone.

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