25. Breaking the Bed of Beltane

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Author's Note: Well, let's see how Dru takes Sean's news about Carrie....hmmm...

Song for this Chapter: Walk Away by Ben Harper. Yeah....I'm kinda going with a Ben Harper theme for the Overlook scenes, I guess!

As Dru made her way out into the early spring morning, she stretched her arms up to the weak sun and joined the ranks of students filing out of the South Dorms and heading up Main Street to class. Alot of them looked grouchy—the ones that had started their weekend partying last night, but Dru was well-rested and very glad it was Friday.

She'd worked hard this week, and soon it would be over. She was actually looking forward to heading up to Hearne's camp this afternoon. It was strange, only seeing him at lunchtime, after having spent so much time with him the week before.

But they'd both had to pay for their week off. Hearne had been busy with Spring Festival details, and Dru had worked extra hard to get caught up on all her reading and coursework, as penance for her sins from the week before. She couldn't believe she'd spent an entire week drinking and crying, half-clothed and shivering in Hearne's arms—behavior she now considered absolutely ridiculous. She had survived juvi, an abusive boyfriend, and rehab, and yet she had let losing Sean Faraday bring her lower than she had ever been.

Well, that was done. No more crying over cracked walls and broken hands and Sean Faraday. No more obsessing over the look in his eyes when he'd found her in the woods with Hearne.

It was done. Between her display of magic and her epic mistake with Hearne, she had done Sean a huge favor and sent him running for the hills. So, she should actually feel good about that part. She was sure she had killed whatever affection Sean had felt for her.

So why was he standing in the doorway of the coffee shop, watching her, obviously waiting for her?

She stopped, feeling exposed, like she was on her knees in her bra again. Without meaning to, she pulled on her clothes, making sure she was covered in all the right places. Of course she was, she was wearing an oversized long-sleeved Sabit T-shirt, a scarf, legging and Uggs...a little more casual than she might have dressed two weeks ago, but hell, who was she trying to impress, anymore? Certainly not Sean. And Hearne didn't care about stuff like clothes, he cared about smells.

That wasn't fair. Sean had cared about more than the way she looked, she knew. Until she killed him caring.

As she approached him now, she couldn't help but notice that he looked...good. Really good. He always did, but there was something about him this morning...his rich brown hair was tufty and wild, and he hadn't shaved. She'd never seen him so...rough. It looked incredible on him. Dirty was hot, on Sean. She reminded herself that he was probably not thinking the same thing about her.

She slowed, preparing herself for an awkward exchange. She wouldn't let it upset her. He'd made it clear, he only wanted to keep a peace with her for Lana's sake.

"Hey," he stepped out in front of her, holding out her Friday coffee. She winced. Why was he using that voice?

"Hey," she replied. "Lana's—"

"At Finn's. I know. I'm glad."

Thank god. At the mention of Finn, his voice had returned to normal—the slightly tense side of normal, but at least he had abandoned the-drop-your-panties voice that drove Dru wild.

Dru's eyes widened. "You're glad?"

Sean grinned, still holding out the coffee to her. "Well, not particularly glad about her and Finn, but I'm glad she's not here this morning. " He hooked a thumb behind him, into the coffee shop. "Will you skip Soc with me? You were right, we need to talk."

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