21. A God's Work

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Author's Note: This is mostly a Hearne and Dru chapter, although Carrie and Lana interrupt them in his office...I like this chapter, it shows a new depth to Hearne.

Song for this Chapter: Leaders by Nas & Damian Marleyu

Dru stood in the doorway of Hearne's office, wondering if she should knock.

His attention was fixed upon his computer screen, and he was muttering to himself. Dru had to admit, every aspect of him—the sharp glow of his nose and cheekbones, the focus of his penetrating eyes, the elongated grace of his hands—was stirring. He was an image of intent dark beauty, even beneath the paling fluorescent lights.

But he was stressed. He pinched the bridge of his nose, and a sheath of documents floated from the credenza behind him, and ordered themselves neatly on his desk. He pawed through them with his large fingers, more frantic than Dru had ever seen him.

She choked back an awed laugh, and he looked up. His expression transfigured from anxiety to mischief. He gestured her in impatiently, as if her welcome was no question.

"Spying on your professor, Ms. Scott?"

"Spying. Intruding. Lusting." Wait, did she just say that outloud? What was wrong with her? She lost all filter around Hearne.

His wide mouth spread, revealing his perfect white teeth. He glanced at the door. It swung closed by the force of his will. Dru, barely inside, jumped.

"Jesus, Hearne! Can you warn me before you magic the shit out of something?"

"I can try, but my instinct is to keep you...jumpy," he shrugged apologetically.

Dru dumped her pack on the floor, and slumped in one of the two chairs across from his desk.

He leaned back in his chair, stretching out his long arms on his desk and intertwining his fingers. "Spying. Intruding. Lusting," he repeated. "Spying is of no concern at all. It's human nature to stalk." Dru felt her heart flutter as she realized he was dead serious. "Intruding is simply not true. But the lusting..." he lurched forward, sliding his elbows onto the desk and propping his chin on his hands. "Tell me more about that."

Dru crossed her legs, and bit her thumbnail. She was suddenly nervous. This wasn't the forest, this wasn't Hearne's camp. This was school, and she'd be damned if she'd fall victim to a really bad decision—like screwing her professor in his office. "Don't be too flattered. Everyone woman lusts for you, Hearne. Not every woman acts on it." She flipped her hand and rolled her eyes, the way she had seen Carrie dismiss him on a number of occasions.

Hearne shook his head at her. "Carrie's shade doesn't suit you. You are much warmer than a backhanded compliment."

Dru blushed. "Fine. You look super sexy, when you are focused on work. But I wish I hadn't said anything...this isn't really the place," she trailed off, gesturing around the office uncomfortably.

"Gods no...under these lights? On this desk?" he cried, knocking it. "I don't even think it's real wood. It would never hold up!"

She laughed at his disgusted look. He hated his office, she could tell.

"But, thanks for saying I look sexy. Even I like a genuine compliment sometimes." He gave her a careful once over. "You look..." honestly Dru looked miserable, "...scoopable."

Dru startled. "What?"

He was around his desk, scooping her into his arms and returning to his chair in an instant. Despite the speed of his act, and despite her reluctance to get sexual in the campus's busiest building, Dru found herself relaxing into his warm chest, as he fell back into his chair.

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