53. Beltane Part 1: A Witch's Heart

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Beltane has arrived! Just like Ostara, we will be switching point of views in real time! We'll see some new POV's also...a little Sucellus, a little Mercury. We start with our favorite ancient reincarnated co-ed!

Song for this Chapter: All You Never Say by Birdy. This is Dru's song...ironic because at the first of the chapter she's questioning what Cernunnos feels for her, but when she searches Sean's heart to make magic, she's not searching for herself there. She's thinking of his need to protect her sister.

Dru's POV

I watch my lover lope toward me, the tats on his bare chest rippling with his movements, his eyes bright with focus, his braids swinging easily. He moves like a panther, and yet I am the one who wants to purr.

His nostrils flare, and he grins. He can smell my desire.

When he looks at me like that, I can almost convince myself that the intensity I see in his eyes is love. But it isn't. It is just determination to be the best lover he can be. We have a great time in bed, and work hard to get along, but the lack of Greenspark tells the truth that both of us deny. We are not epically in love; we are just really good at fucking and faking.

Cernunnos swears the Greenspark between us will grow. I'm not sure I believe that. It's supposed to be a once in a thousand lifetimes kind of thing. Can you really culture that kind of love? But he believes so, and e his a god, so who am I to say he's wrong.

Truthfully, his conviction makes me wonder what lengths he is willing to go to make that happen. I am a witch with powerful intuition, and I see...something...in Cernunnos' eyes, when he watches me while we have sex. A back-up plan, maybe? I have this sense of dread that if the Greenspark does not come on its own, within a year or two, he will not wait for a godling. He will get me pregnant with a mortal baby, whether or not I choose it. He thinks a child a will bond us, and right the karmic wrong we perpetrated so long ago. I don't have the heart to tell this ancient god what every modern woman knows.

A baby never fixes a relationship.

As he nears, I put away my worries for our future and yield to the pleasure of admiring his beautiful form close up. The desire for him I do not have to fake. No woman would. He is truly a sex god.

"You look...Divine, my Lord," I say.

"Victory suits me." He tosses a bag of geocache tokes on the table in front of me. "I win."

I spread them out on the Scavenger Hunt Headquarters table. "You found all twenty five in under an hour. Did you even use the coordinates?" I asked.

"Of course not, that would have been too easy." He tapped his nose. "I just followed your scent. I had trouble with the one you put near a bee-hive, though. The honey scent from the hive confused me."

I smile. "Sean did that on purpose, I think. To mess with you a little."

"Well, I prevailed over Faraday's fuckery." He leans forward and takes my hand. "What is my prize?"

I cock my head to the large gift basket of Moonshine, Jerkey, gourmet snacks, and gift certificates for Malone's and the Drunk Donkey.

"Hmmmmm...leave that for the first student who returns. I'd prefer a more personal favor, from the Mistress of the Hunt." He kisses my hand.

"What personal favor could I bestow upon you that you have not already had the pleasure of?" I counter. I'm sure he means something sexual, but Cernunnos is not really into contrived kink. He doesn't have to be; he's incredible naturally.

I guess that's why I'm taken off guard when he says, "Well, there is one boundary we've yet to breach, isn't there?"

Oh. That. There's no way he's doing that to me, not with supersized penis.

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