27. Last Night

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Author's Note: So...there's really no other way to say this...the sex scene in this chapter is a bit freaky. If you're not cool with mutual self-pleasure, skip. This is the last time in the book I will give an advisory for sexual content. Just know the scenes will only get more intense moving forward!

Song for this chapter: Earned It by The Weeknd Yep. Dru's been practicing for weeks...she earned this one!

Standing before the mirror Dru watched the blush spread again as she remembered Hearne's bold proposal. She splashed more water on her face, pulling her toothbrush out of the holder, and commencing, still naked, still staring at herself, to brush her teeth, remembering how it had all gone down.

They were sitting on the deck. He'd pulled her down into his lap while he sat in an Adirondack chair, and casually stated that he thought it was time he watched her pleasure herself.

A wave of uncontrollable nervousness had flooded her at his frank request, causing a ripple of laughter to bubble up.

"Why?" she finally managed to ask.

"You've learned how to light candles in a very controlled environment. It's much harder to keep control with another person's energy at play. If you really want my help, eventually I'm going to have to become part of the process. Watching seems like the next step. A way for me to get to know your energy, and for you to experience my presence, gradually."

She hadn't responded right away, and he hadn't pressed the subject but after dinner, she'd said quietly. "How would we do it? Like exactly how?"

He'd poured her a second glass of wine, and led her into the kitchen, moving about casually outlining a few simple steps to get them from where they stood, to her naked in the tub--where he'd sit, what he wanted to see. She didn't think she would ever get used to how Hearne was about matters of sex. It was like he was...both completley jaded and incredibly sexual at the same time. Like he'd seen and done everything, and he could speak about it with such...disconnection that bordered on disinterest, and yet there was a flicker in his eyes, always primed to explode. She swallowed down the wine in gulps as he talked, and held her glass out for more.

"No, Dove. There's a fine line between being relaxed by drink and being too drunk to come. You do want to come tonight, don't you?"

She stared at him. "Yes," she lowered her lashes.

"So now you have to decide, do you want me to become a part of that, or are you still clinging to the idea of saving yourself?"

"You know I've had sex before. Just not in a while."

"I'm not talking about being a virgin.  I'm talking about you saving your next experience with a man for Faraday."

Her eyes snapped up. "Don't mention him."

He dropped a dish in the sink. He didn't like being told what he could and couldn't do, but he continued coolly. "Is that the deal you two have? Keeping everything separate?"

When she didn't answer, he said, "I smell him on you every time you walk in my door, Dru. I know you're not sleeping with him, that much would be a much stronger scent, but you're spending more and more time with him as the weeks go by." He chuckled. "It's nearly enough to make me jealous, but there haven't been any building collapses or natural disasters in Weirville, that's confirmation that you two aren't even attempting more than friendship."

Maybe it was the wine, but she didn't like his smugness when it came to Sean—so sure that Sean could never rival him. Something devilish snapped in her brain like a rubber band, and loosened her tongue. "Well, we did break the Beltane altar at the overlook."

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