47. Horns

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Author's Note: I hope you enjoy Hearne's coming out party!

Song for this Chapter: Natural by Imagine Dragons

Lana tapped a knife against her wine glass. When everyone ignored her, she put her fingers in her mouth and blew a whistle. The startled room full of people turned their attention to her odd behavior.

"Hey guys, Hearne has something to say," she said cheerfully as he came in the door behind her, in full glory.

The buzz of conversation ended in the sounds of abrupts gasps, a couple of "Fucks", "Shiiiiiits", and the shattering of one glass on the floor.

Cernunnos smiled a little sheepishly, and scratched his head, just beneath his right horn. Cords of muscles rolled beneath the tats. Godlight glowed faintly through the scars.

"Y'all settle down," Lana sing-songed, "He's still the same guy he was ten minutes ago. You been drinking his food and drinking his booze, everything's fine..." she soothed. "He just wants to talk, is all."

The crowd was still and wary.

She turned to Cernunnos.

"Before you start your speech," She dipped the knife into the wine glass, and surveyed the spread on the kitchen island. She hastily stabbed a piece of pound cake covered in plum sauce.

"My Lord," she grinned, offering the cake to the Horned God, along with her glass. "I made the cake. Finn brought the wine. French, not Italian."

"A casual, but sufficient offering, Priestess," he laughed.

"I'll work on something more appropriate," she whispered, "but right now they need explanation, not ritual."

"Of course," He took a bite of the cake.

"Mmmm, excellent. My Queen?" He passed the cake to Dru's lips. She smiled darkly, before taking her bite. Then Hearne sipped the wine and passed the chalice to Dru as well. He did all this calmly, while the crowd stared, dumbfounded.

"Thanks for coming tonight," he said casually to the crowd. "I originally meant to throw this party for an old friend," he gestured to Tom. "A birthday party, of sorts. But I guess really, it's a multi-purpose event. I have another wonderful reason to celebrate with friends."

He passed in front of Dru and took her by the left hand, presenting her black diamond to the crowd. "This beautiful witch has agreed to be mine. We are engaged to be hand-fast, in the pagan tradition."

"I knew it!" Tandie exclaimed, and elbowed Leander. "I knew she was a witch, and I knew they were together!" Leander nodded enthusiastically to her, but as her attention turned back to Hearne, Leander shot Sean a empathetic glance. Sean flashed another brittle smile.

Dru cocked her head at Hearne. "Really?" she said quietly. "This is how you want to play it?"

"You know you like drama, Druantia," he whispered, kissing her on the cheek. She grinned and turned her mouth to catch his in a true kiss. Clapping and hooting erupted from the pagan class.

Cernunnos broke away and whipped around, and the clapping died away as the crowd went back to staring at his horns.

He put a hand on his bare chest, above his heart. "I can't tell you how happy Dru has made me. Her love truly makes me feel like a...well, like a god," he boasted, as he gestured upward to his horns. Shining green light streamed even more brightly from his scars. A few more gasps were heard.

"Christ, Hearne, will ya get on with it, man?" John Bowie said irritably, in broad Scots.

The entire Pantheon laughed behind Hearne's back. He shot them all resentful looks, but he couldn't keep the megawatt smile off his face.

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