61. Beltane Part 7: A Hero's Labor

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Author's Note: I'm really excited about this chapter. I didn't plan this part of the story from the beginning, it just developed over time. I guess it's no secret that I love a bad guy who redeems himself...

Song for this Chapter: Bounce Back by Big Sean. 'Cause last night Finn took an L but tonight he bounce back!

Succellus' POV

Sir Kittyhart don't have wings, and he knows it. I've got him trapped on a cliff, and he keeps ranging along its length, looking down at the boulder-filled lake shore below, then raging forward to kill me. I fend him off with a small tree I uprooted and then he retreats to the cliff edge and hisses at the rocks below.

We've been doing this for about ten minutes now. This tree is pretty damn heavy, and I ain't the young god I used to be. Too many pints in the pub, not enought days on the hunt, if you know what I mean.

He charges me again and I sweep the tree at his legs but he's learning. He jumps this time and strikes at me. I fall over backwards, to avoid his poisionous strike and then he's really coming for me. I'm scrambling backward but I know I'm done for.

As the beast overtakes me and I see it's lamprey-like mouth opening to devour my shaggy blonde head, I close my eyes. Damn, this was a short run. I lived for six thousand years last time. I only got forty-two years this go around. Oh well, good-bye world. Maybe by the time I get back again, Cernunnos will have brought Brighid back. I wouldn't mine comin' back around again one more time for a roll with her.

I hear a crash like elephants colliding above me. I guess it's not so strange of a sound—the sound of your own head being torn from your body should sound like a horrific hullaballoo.

The sound goes on for awhile. I crack open an eye.

Huh, I ain't dead after all. And neither is James Finn. Apparently, Nuno's gone soft. I can't believe he didn't slip a shiv into that treacherous little Roman. Then again, I'm kind of glad, since Finn just saved my ass. I mean, my head.

Finn's fighting that monster single-handedly. And I don't mean lion-tamer style, like with a chair or a whip. No, sir. I mean he's brawling with the fucking thing. They are rolling ass over teakettle on the edge of the cliff, and Finn is punching Sir Kittyhart right in his horrific kisser. How's that? Why hasn't the damn thing struck him dead with his viperous tongue?

I see something wiggling on the ground in front of them, and then I realize why. Finn's already cut his tongue out.

This kid is good. Not as good a beast-slayer as Cernunnos, but every bit as good as Fionn Mac Chumhaill. Oh shit, I get it. Good ole Finn Mac Cool is back. Ha. Cernunnos is really making it happen with these kids at Sabit. He's gonna have the whole ancient mythologies rebooted soon.

Suddenly there's almost as much noise behind me as in front. A bunch of engines revving, gravel crunching, horns blaring. Dru jumps out of a truck followed by Nuno's huntsmen and whole bunch of fine-lookin' witches. The witches start up a spell and the huntsmen are grabbing their bows. I catch Dru just as she tries to rush past me to help Finn.

"Oh no, you don't. I'm under orders to aid and protect you. So listen to me when I tell you that this ain't your fight, my dear." I gesture to Finn and the Questing Beast. I waive at the witches and the huntsmen. "In fact, all y'all just need to cease and desist. Finn's got this," I shout cheerfully.

"Are you crazy? That thing is going to kill him!" Dru tries to get away from me but suddenly I find myself stronger. I hold onto her like she ain't nothing but a little kitten. I flex a little, and a golden stream of energy flows down my arms. Yeah, my godpower is returning. Sucellus is back, baby. Dru sees it, and beats on me a little. "Help Finn!" she cries.

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