16. Waste My Magic

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Author's Note: The very last part of this chapter is a little racy and a little crazy, as Dru is desperate to get rid of her magic!!! So skip if you're not into that. (Yeah, right!)

Song for this Chapter: Fire Meets Gasoline by Sia

Sean was silent as he navigated the twisting road back to campus. Dru couldn't bring herself to speak, either. She had made so many soothing speeches to angry boys before. They never helped. The only thing that ever helped was being away from her.

Sean pulled into the parking lot behind her dorm, and killed the motor.

"I know what you are thinking. Me punching Finn had nothing to do with what happened between you and me."

"I know," she said simply. He was wrong, but she wouldn't argue with him. It would only make things worse.

He cupped her face with his good hand. "I don't think you do, but I'll prove it to you, Dru. Things will...go back to the way they were. You'll see."

Wow, so he did mean what he'd said in her room. He was confirming it now. He wanted to go back to being friends. Of course he did. He was smart and strong—strong enough to see how bad this was for him. Dru could hardly breathe, the disappointment was crushing her chest, but she smiled. She really liked Sean, she had to do what was best for him, not what she selfishly wanted...

Which was to climb into his lap right now, run her fingers through his hair, taste him, bite him, press against him and grind out some relief for herself against his hard body. He had at least had gotten to relieve his arousal by fighting. Now that they were alone again, all the longing she had felt when they were tangled together on her bed had returned.

She knew she couldn't let it show, and she couldn't pull him to her with her magic. He was telling her he wanted to be friends and no more. She had to respect that.

She squeezed the arm that cupped her face. "We're good. I'm glad we are in the same place."

"Me, too," he smiled warmly, and pulled her head to the side, kissing her hair at the temple. Yikes, that was a friend zone kiss if ever there was one. The same way he kissed Lana. Confirmation, not that she needed it. His words were plain enough.

"You can drive my car back to your dorm, if you want," Dru offered.

"No, I'll walk."

He walked her to the stairwell door. She admonished him to put more ice on his hand when he got to his dorm, and after an awkward hug, and a flat good-bye, he left.

Dru stood in the stairwell, her hand over her mouth, until she was sure Sean was well on his way through the downtown. Then she rushed out the door and fled across the parking lot, taking to woods, not knowing where she was going, just knowing that she craved the forest as the sobs broke loose from her.

What had she done to deserve this fate? It was so unfair. She was a good person; she never wanted to hurt anyone. But every time she got close to someone she was attracted to, she lost all control, and she burned that person's world to the ground. She hadn't realized until it was too late...with Heath and Xander. Brady was intentional—someone who would turn the anger back to the source, but she'd lost control of that too. All three of them were paying the price for her mistakes. She wouldn't do that to Sean. He was too kind, too decent. She cared about him more than she had ever intended to care about someone again. It was killing her to accept that the best way to love him, was to stay the hell away.

Her vision was too blurred with tears and weariness to see the path, instinct alone drove her forward toward the ritual sight. The clearing was silent, still. Cold white ash from the bonfire drifted through the air like snow. Dru turned around and around in the clearing, spinning, searching for some way to relieve her feelings.

Not knowing what else to do, she let loose a long screech of frustration. Her voice, hoarse with the tears that streamed down her throat, echoed in the deserted woods. The scream didn't release any of her feelings, it only amplified them. She screamed again and again, determined to exorcise her pain, but it didn't work.

The only thing that happened was the bonfire suddenly began to smolder, the few charred logs reigniting, spreading fingers of dull light in the pitch black. She knew she had made it happen. She felt absolutely anguished, crazed by the unfairness of her situation, and she let out another long wail of fury.

Large hands laid hold of her, abruptly turning her around, shaking her rough enough to gain her attention.

"Hush Dru, you'll wake the whole damn campus." Hearne's voice was gentler than his grasp.

His hands moved to her shoulders, then her face, like he was trying to check her for injury, or possibly to stabilize her insanity. Dru stopped screaming when his green eyes caught the light and arrested her heartbeat. They were dappled with hunger and amusement, but in their depths she found sympathy and...something more familiar than that. She and he—they—were the same. Dangerous.

"I warned y-," Hearne began to admonish her.

"Shut up," she hissed, and she launched herself at him, grabbing his braids. Hearne instinctively caught her, his large hands grasping her thighs and lifting her effortlessly to encircle him as she crushed her mouth against his, desperate for relief.

A supernova of red sparks exploded all around them--from them-- so forceful that it unbalanced Hearne, who toppled over backwards, with Dru atop him. Dru was still pushing her tongue into his mouth as they fell, and her hands were ripping off Hearne's shirt, roving over his hundreds of scars as she moaned into his mouth. The charred logs smoldering in the bonfire exploded into brilliant flame.

Hearne, completely unconcerned to be flat on his back, grabbed her head with both hands and forced her face away from his. His focus was feral, the glowing stare of a wildcat, the snarl of a wolf.

"What?" she panted, her hands now scraping down his rock hard abs, fumbling with the fly on his incredibly tight jeans. "I thought this is what you wanted?" She shook her head free from his grasp, and wiggled down his body, bringing her face closer so she could smell his musk, but also to see to get his damn pants open, preparing to lose herself in the task of giving this incredibly handsome man pleasure. Christ, he was hot, and if she felt nothing else for him, she couldn't deny how...perfectly desirable he was.

Dammit, why did he have to have button-fly jeans? She let out a grunt of satisfaction as worked the top two buttons open. More sparks erupted around them, zinging away like fireworks. Hearne let out a sound, too, one that sounded more startled than satisfied. He jerked her roughly upwards, pulling her close and rolling, so that he was on top of her. Dru thrust her face toward his throat, but he pinned her head to the ground with one large hand gripping her jaw.

"Fucking hell, woman," he whispered, his face wild with confusion, as he tracked the zings of sparks hurtling around them like warning bells. "This is how you want it?"

"Please," she whispered her voice hoarse, more with despair than desire. "Oh god, please...help me.."

Before she could say more, Hearne took her mouth—stopping all sound, all thought, all pain. There was only him, flooding her throat, her lungs, her blood with a red hot current that gripped them both, and wouldn't release them.

A/N: Oh...you do NOT want to miss the next chapter! Don't worry, I won't you leave you hanging...updating today!!!

Waste a teeny bit of your magic on that vote button, please! Thanks!

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