67. Beltane Part 13: The Divine Debate

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Author's Note: Now we see the Pantheon's reaction to Cernunnos' plan. Lana, as the High Priestess, naturally presides over this exchange.

Song for this Chapter: Heaven on Hold by Bryce Fox. I like this song for Lana's mood, because it's dark and dangerous, and she is fiercely determined to save Cernunnos. Also, because it's a little ironic, considering the outcome of the debate. Heaven on hold, indeed.

Lana's POV

"You are not taking a scythe to him, my Lord," I hiss at Sucellus.

I mean it. I will make Sean and those Roman asshats Apollo and Diana help me skin Sucellus like a squirrel before I let him bleed Cernunnos.

Cernunnos is mine to protect. His Mark burns on my wrist alone, now. Cerridwen is gone. Dru has made her choice. That leaves me. I am Cernunnos' High Priestess and I will not fail him.

"It ain't your call, mini-Maeve," Sucellus says firmly. "Cernunnos is the godhead, remember?"

I rise to my full height and go nose-to-nose with the God of Ancient Grains and Spirits. "It's exactly my call. I am the High Priestess of this Pantheon. It's like being the doctor. I say, Cernunnos isn't in his right mind. I'm relieving him of command."

Sully chuckles like I'm ridiculous and gives Finn a look. "Get your mortal missy under control, Mac Cool."

I stamp my foot. The hellcat rises and I shove Sucellus hard. "You listen to me, you fucking drunk-ass, chauvinistic bastard of booze, you are NOT—"

"Peace, Alanna," Finn says, putting a hand on my shoulder and the string of f-bombs I was about to drop are suddenly diffused, replaced by calm. He's not getting me "under control," he's letting me know he has my back. "Lana has a point, Sucellus. Both Cernunnos and Cerridwen entrusted her with this sacred responsibility as their Priestess. Lana is their succor. We must honor their faith in her, and at least debate this matter. It is right that she should lead us to a mutual decision on how to help Cernunnos."

Sucellus throws his hands up in exasperation and plops down on a log. "Fine, but I already told you before—witches talk too damn much."

Before I can throw a curse at him, Finn squeezes my shoulder and murmurs, "Have patience, darlin'. Sucellus grieves, too." I sigh, and unclench my hands.

"Well, I'll make my speech short, Sucellus." Dru says. "I'm with Lana. You helping him die is out of the question. But we need to back up further. We can't let him hunt Mercury like an animal. He's a god, not a savage beast."

"He is of nature," Finn says gently. "Nature is sometimes...cruel."

"That's ridiculous, Finn," I say. "In his right mind, Cernunnos would never eat a person, not even Mercury. You would never do something like that."

"She says to the man who just pulled the beating heart from a monster's chest and ate it," Sean rolls his eyes at me.

What? I search Finn's face. He is so beautiful—glowing with silver light, tipped in darkness. I guess new gods glow brightly. He couldn't have truly gotten this beauty from that monster's heart, could he? "Finn?"

He grits his perfect teeth at my brother. "Hadn't told her that part yet."

"Sorry. I figured if you were telling me..." Sean shrugs. "You really shouldn't keep things from your Greenspark girl, you know."

"You and I were bonding, asshole." Finn snaps.

"Ahh, there's the Finn that broke my jaw," Sean snarks.

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