15. Talk Me Down

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Author's Note: It's a Hearne and Carrie chapter! How many times do they have to say good-bye? As many as it takes, I guess, wink!

Song for this Chapter: Big Girls Don't Cry by Fergie

The wind blew through the open bell tower of Lugh Hall. It was three a.m., the bell was silent, except for the barely discernible vibration of the wind funneling inside its down-turned cup.

Carrie sat on the immense rafter that supported the bell, and kicked her heel slightly against it, but it was far too heavy to sound from her tiny thump. She extended her hands flat on the bell, a sudden urge to slide down it over took her. She eased her body forward. What would happen to her, if she jumped? She was severed now, from the god that had given her his power. If she jumped, would she land effortlessly on her feet, or would newly frail legs crumple beneath her?

Cernunnos claimed she would retain her power, but was it true? Since the moment the rope had dissolved between them, she felt...different. Empty, somehow.

"Carrie," Hearne's voice was sharp behind her.

She turned, to see his head and shoulders emerging from the tiny doorway that gave access to the bell.

"What are you doing up here?" he asked quizzically.

She shrugged. He sighed and pulled his large frame through the opening. It was a struggle for him to get through the tight access, but once free, he walked the rafter with a cat-like grace and dropped down carelessly beside her. The ease in his frame did not match the coldness in his eyes.

"If you are thinking of jumping," he said dryly. "Just get it over with."

"I guess you would like that wouldn't you? Simpler for you, if I'm gone. If I jump and break my neck."

"I only tell you to jump to prove to yourself that you are not going anywhere. You are as immortal, unbreakable, and as exasperating as always." he growled in frustration. "Do you honestly think I would take your immortality, just because we burned our tie?"

She stared at him for a long time. "No," she finally admitted. "I don't think you would take it from me, but I'm not sure it's your choice. You don't have the power you once did. Perhaps this is not a thing within your control."

"Still doubting me, I see. Some things never change."

She lowered her eyes. "I feel...different, Cernunnos. Something happened, when we broke our tie. I feel...hollow."

"Perhaps regret is a new feeling for you," he said softly, but then he nudged her shoulder. "You are fine, Carrie. Don't overthink this. After all, this is what you wanted, right?"

The wind blew through the tower, whipping red waves around her face. "Yes."

He grunted at her response. "Good. I'm glad we are finally on the same page. Now, we have another matter to discuss."

"Lana, you mean."

"She dedicated herself to the God of the Hunt, and the Triple Goddess of the Moon. She doesn't know that's us, but she will, soon enough. She cannot serve a house divided. I meant what I said at the ritual. She is yours. You can make her your priestess...start a new sect, if you wish. When I take my new Goddess, she'll be of the Sun, not the Moon."

Carrie waved a hand dismissively. "I'm not interested in a new sect. I just want a simple life." Carrie rose on the rafter, balancing carefully. "I will train her as I was trained by you. When you take this new Goddess of the Sun, I will release Lana from her vow to me. She will want to serve the two of you, I'm sure."

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