Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: (Mia's POV)

"You are all invited. I expect you three ladies to be there, first guests to arrive hopefully." Ethan winked at Grace and I since Harper has been taken for almost two years by Daniel. "You just want us as the first guests so we can help you set up." Grace sighed knowingly as she put her books in her bag and closed her locker. "Who all are coming?" I asked curious. My heart was pounding at the thought of seeing him. My ex, Ryder Parker, the school's bad boy and heartthrob. It was the last week of summer currently, and that meant I hadn't seen him the whole holiday season. He lives a few houses down from mine, which meant every time I left the house, I took the long way around.

"The whole senior year will be there. So will Ryder, I suggest you find a distraction." he gave me an apologetic smile as he saluted with two fingers and walked away.

"I can't believe you still hang out with him and pretend like everything is ok." Harper sighed. "Everything is ok." I lied to her and myself. "We were a thing, and now we're not. It's over." I quickly explained. Before she could say anything Daniel came by and dragged her away. I love both of them together. I'm just saying, I called it.

"We don't have to go if you don't want to." Grace nudged me, shaking me out of my thoughts and she began to walk with me beside her. "Of course we do! We didn't spend all that money on pretty little bikinis for nothing." I said jokingly, making her laugh. To be honest, I hated my body but I wasn't ashamed of it. I didn't like wearing bikinis but I wouldn't mind wearing it. Normally, I would wear a bikini over a full costume just cause it makes me feel better about my body. Being in a bikini is just more, empowering. I was just going because I didn't want to be the buzzkill and not let my friends go because of me. I'd rather silently suffer by myself. Everyone in our school comes to school a week early and gets their schedules, and sets up their lockers so that when school actually does start, we know where we need to be. "You know there will be the circle of dares. It's tradition at this point, every year it's the game to play." Grace sighed.

"Yeah I know. I guess then I can only pray I don't get a dare with him." I huffed.

"With who?" a voice asked from right in front of me. I looked up to see those familiar brown, golden eyes. Ryder. "No one. Just some guy Mia thinks is cute, for the party you know." Grace lied smoothly before he could get suspicious. "Circle of dares?" he asked as he raised an eyebrow. "Mm-hmm." I nodded my head. "Got you. Have you guys seen Ethan? I need him to send someone a special invite." he asked as he looked around for Ethan. He broke up with me almost a year ago, and it still hurts when I see him with another girl. "He went that way." I pointed behind me where Ethan had walked off to a few moments ago. Ryder just nodded and pushed past Grace and me. She didn't say anything about it. That was a promise I made Harper and her make to me, that they would never bring up my history with Ryder.

"I hate him so much." I groaned as we continued walking to my car which was our ride home. I usually dropped her off and picked her up since she lived in the house 5 houses down and across from mine. "Only because you loved him so much. I still don't know why you didn't slap him across the face the night he told you." she huffed.

"Because at that time, I was doing everything I could to have him stay. Whatever it took, I was willing to do." I sighed as I took a seat in my car and started the engine while she walked over to the passenger seat and sat down. "You really liked him, Mia." she said.

"I really did." I mumbled before I started to drive the 20 minute drive to school.

Did I mention how much I love my car. It's a baby blue jeep, kind of like Stiles' if you don't know who that is, don't talk to me. Dylan O'brien is husband material, and Stiles is the most precious character known to the human kind. Well then, let's get back to reality from my little Dylan O'brien obsessing session shall we? "So the plan for tonight is..." she asked as she waited for me to tell her the final plan.

"We will get to my house, chill for an hour or two. Then we can try on the bikinis and choose which ones we wear tonight and then we go to Ethan's."

"What about your parents?"

"Out of town as always." I sighed. My parents are both surgeons and that has them travelling around a lot to perform serious surgeries on people. I would never be a surgeon, I get way too squeamish looking at blood.

"I will never understand how first of all, they deal with all the blood, and second of all, how they trust you to be by yourself." Ok, here's the thing. Remember how I said Ryder lives a few houses down? Yeah- he lives right next door to me. And when I was with him, that was the best thing and now that we're over, it's the worst. "What can I say, I'm the angel child." I laughed as I pulled up into my driveway after ten minutes or so of pointless conversations. I was so grateful for Harper and Grace. They've been there for me more than anyone ever has. "Hello! Earth to Mia!" Grace said kind of frantically from outside the car, in front of my door. "Huh? What?" I asked, confused.

"You want to start trying on the bikinis? Time went by a little faster than we thought it would." she chuckled as I stepped out of my car, and walked into my house.

We went into my house, got some water and snacks and then began trying on the six bikinis we had. Grace first. She tried on five and decided to wear a cute white one, with sunflowers printed all over it. I first tried on the one that she hadn't. I went into the bathroom, and put it on. I looked into the mirror and analysed it. It was a nice fit. It hugged my body it the right places and I felt good in it. That automatically meant I was wearing it. "You are definitely wearing that one!" she squealed. It was a plain black one. Just plain black. "You sure? It's just plain black?" I asked a little confused since Grace normally talks about going glam. "Well, think of it like the little black dress. Cute and simple." she laughed as she began tying up her hair into a loose and messy bun.

I just decided to put my hair up into a high ponytail and leave it.

It was going to get wet anyways, I'd have to wash it later tonight too.

I didn't want to go to be honest, but here I am, getting into my car.


Here was chapter 1, I hope you guys liked it, if not then deal with it... Just kidding... I think?

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