Chapter 58

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Chapter 58: (Mia's POV)

"Oh my god please stop crying. Please. Please. Please." I whispered in hushed tones while cradling him in my arms. Thanks to little Liam, I now had a headache, I was dizzy, even more sleep deprived and well- grumpy. Ryder went out to get some ice cream for us, leaving me alone with the little guy. Assuming it was a diaper change that was needed which indeed it was. Do not ask how I got through that. Just don't. But please, remind me to never babysit kids this young again. Ever. He was currently sitting on the carpeted floor against the couch, playing with a bunch of toys while I made him some lunch. "You doing ok there?" I called out to Liam. 

Yes, I know he cannot speak properly, or understand me. I heard his laughter and I got my answer. "Alright then." I let out a sigh as I put his food in a bowl and took it with me but left it on the table to let it cool down a bit. It was some porridge in a little toy story baby bowl that was in his little baby bag. "Mia, I'm home." I heard Ryder call out, making me turn to look at him from where I sat with Liam on the floor. "Mee-ya." the little boy hiccupped. Now, as adorable as that was, I was too busy trying to keep my eyes open. "Hung-ee." he started whining. Are you serious? He was playing for an hour or so and now he's hungry? It's still too hot for him. "Help." I fake cried while Ryder came over and helped me stand up to my feet. "You look a little too tired. Want me to take over?" he gave me a tight hug.

"Oh my god, I love you." I let out a sigh of relief before giving him a long kiss and then plopping down on the couch while he sat on the floor and fed little Liam.

He's so good with kids. I've seen him with little ones a few times, his cousins, Ethan's cousins and he does good with kids whether he likes them or not. I do pretty good myself but, not exactly when I'm sleep deprived. "I got butterscotch. Is that fine?" he turned to glance at me with questioning eyes, making me nod with a smile on my face, "It's amazing." I mumbled, feeling my eyes get droopy and heavy while hearing Liam giggling in the back. Maybe taking a little nap couldn't hurt.

x-X-x An Hour Later

I woke up feeling a little bit more awake and looked at the other couch to see Ryder fast asleep with Liam sleeping on his chest. I let him sleep for another thirty minutes. While I was doing so, I decided to go and make some spaghetti for lunch since I can't really cook and you can't really go wrong with spaghetti. I was making the spaghetti and doing my own thing until I let out a gasp when I felt two arms wrapping around me from behind. Instantly, I turned to face him and smacked him in the arm. "You scared the hell out of me." I whisper yelled at him with my heart racing. "Sorry." he whispered before turning me back around, reminding me that there was a pot full of hot pasta on the stove behind me.

"How long is Liam gonna be here for? Now don't get me wrong, he's a good kid but I'm too tired to babysit anymore." he groaned while he rested his head on my shoulder. If I knew we were gonna be this tired today, then I would have politely told Mrs Grim no but we just had to stay up that late last night. "You know we didn't really make out the whole night last night, right?" he laughed, making me turn to face him with nothing but confusion written all over my face. "Explain." I said with my eyes narrowing down to slits.

"I was kidding when I said we were making out. Well, yeah we did that for quite awhile before we fell asleep but for hours and hours before that, we were just talking." he chuckled.

"And you let me think that we were making out? What the hell were we even talking about for hours on hours?" I repeatedly slapped his arm and chest even though it clearly had no effect on him. I had a feeling it wasn't true since I was almost 100 percent that's not humanly possible. Ugh, why did I believe him? "Sorry." he laughed before leaning in for a kiss only for me to push his face away.

"Don't expect or ask for any kisses for the next 24 hours." I turned back around to my pot of spaghetti. Oh my god, now that I think about it, it was very dumb and stupid of me to believe him. But in my defense, the hickeys on my neck were saying something else. And on his. Let's just forget about my stupid little moment. "You can't be serious. Why?" he whined while I stirred the spaghetti. It was almost done and I was really hungry. "Because you lied to me." I huffed while transferring it into two bowls. Now I was 'mad' at him but I wasn't gonna make him starve.

"I didn't lie to you, I tricked you." he argued. Oh really? Wow, what a difference? Note the sarcasm. Note it. "Yeah, by lying to me." I handed him a bowl of spaghetti before going and sitting on a bar stool. He opened his mouth to say something but the doorbell rang before he could. I quickly went to answer it and was greeted by Mrs Grim. "Thank you so much for watching him dear." she smiled as I let her, walking her over to where Liam was sleeping in his cradle. "We can carry the stuff over." Ryder offered, appearing from the kitchen. She thanked us before turning around and walking to her door. Apparently we had to carry Liam over too.

I placed him over my shoulder while Ryder brought his portable cradle along with his little bag with his toys and everything else in it. I walked up to a little cradle I saw in the living room and gently placed him in it while Ryder set the things down on the kitchen counter before walking out and back into my house with him following me. "Mia please, I promise I won't trick-" he caught his tongue. "I won't lie to you to trick you again, please?" he pleaded as I walked over and sat in the barstool and began eating my spaghetti while he sat down in the stool next to me, still not eating his. 

"Eat your food before it goes cold please." I rolled my eyes at him before he pushed the bowl away. "I'm not eating until you give me a kiss." he pouted like a baby. Oh my god, this is what we've come to. "Don't be stupid Ry, you'll starve yourself." I pushed the bowl back towards him. "You're still calling me 'Ry' so you can't be that mad. Please?" he leaned in but I grabbed my bowl and went and sat down on the couch while flipping through the TV to find a movie to watch.

"Mia please I-" he stopped talking and when I turned to look at him, I saw that he got up to walk over but went back to grab his spaghetti before coming and sitting next to me. "Please." he whined. I scooted further away, only for him to scoot closer each time. I was done eating and this boy still wasn't eating. I put my bowl away on the table in front of us and let out a sigh of frustration before snatching his bowl from him and getting a fork full to feed him. 

I shoved the fork in his face but he refused to open his mouth. "Ry!" I said sternly, hoping he'd listen but nope! I turned and crossed my legs. Fully facing him but he still wouldn't eat. I put the bowl down in my lap before grabbing his face and pressing my lips to his for a second. "Happy?" I raised my brows at him before he nodded with a smile on his face and finally started eating.






Guys... I've decided to end the book at 60 chapters. Two more to go :(

Things are about to change drastically and I'm actually about to finish. It feels fucking weird to know that I won't be writing this anymore. 

I'm really sad now :(

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