Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: (Mia's POV)

He walked me home in a sad and heartbreaking silence and we then we said our goodbyes and goodnights. Once I got home, I ran up to my bedroom, grabbed a pillow, and screamed in it, on the top of my lungs. "Why?!" I yelled into it. "Why the fuck does the one person who means the most to me, have to be a threat to my life? Why, god? Why?" I screamed but my voice came out muffled from the fluffed pillow that was resting on my bed. "He's in a gang. He's killed someone." I said it out loud, having realization hit me a lot harder right now than it did in the park a while ago.

I felt tears stinging at my eyes at the thought of losing him in the future. I'm not letting go of him. He's in a gang and he has been for a while. Which means he was in a gang in the last year of our relationship. Which also means that if he was the same then, he can be the same now. Right? He's not any different now is he? He'll still treat me and love me the same right? Because I know for a fact that I will. Of course I still have to talk to him about it and about how much of a danger it is to the both of us and how it would effect a relationship if we get into one again but for the next two days, there won't be a Ryder next to me. And I knew I was already going to hate the next two days, but they are necessary.

I went to sleep that night with memories from when we were together dancing in my mind, and then I woke up with the sound of a car pulling up in my driveway. What the- Who's here? I quickly got out of bed and looked out of the window to see Jeremy getting out of his car and walking to my porch. Why is he here? I quickly went and brushed my teeth and ran downstairs to let him in. "Jeremy? What are you doing here?" I asked very freaking confused.

"I'm sorry for showing up without notice but I wanted to ask if you're free to go watch a movie about right now?" he asked me. I didn't have any plans for the day so... "Yeah, I'm free can you just give me a second to change?" I asked to which he nodded in response and with that I shot up the stairs. Only when I checked my phone did I see the time, it was almost 1 in the afternoon. How was I still asleep? Normally I wake up by 9-10? I quickly went and put on a baby blue sundress with sunflowers on it, washed my face, put my hair up in a bun, grabbed my phone and ran downstairs. "Ready to go?" he asked as he looked up from his phone.
"Yup." I said, popping the 'p'.

We went into his car and he began driving while I got lost in my thoughts about last night. So it was really real huh? It wasn't just a dream right? Yeah, it was definitely real. Jeremy was talking but I wasn't listening. So I occasionally dropped in a 'Yeah sure.' or an 'ok', which he believed. I didn't even know which movie we were going to watch. Oh my god now that I think about it. I don't even know why I'm here! Why did I say yes? Oh wait, I remember, cause my mom would unleash hell on me if she found out I said no. We finally got to the theatre where I stood by the wall, waiting while Jeremy got the tickets when I saw a group of certain someones standing by the popcorn. I then locked eyes with him and I stopped breathing.

Out of all days today was the day Ryder and the guys decide to come to watch a movie?! "Everything good?" Jeremy asked, making me break eye contact with Ryder and turn to look at him. "Huh? Yeah. I was just um- thinking." I stated like an idiot. "About how to be with Ryder again?" he asked.
"Yeah." I said before even realizing what he asked me. "Wait what?!" I shrieked.
"You two are in love, you know that right?" he interrogated me as we began into the movie theatre. "We're just friends." I lied.
"Are you crazy? Have you seen the way he looks at you?" he asked me while I walked dumbfoundedly.

"He looks at you like you're his whole world." he said in a 'duh' tone. "Whatever, I'm sure you two will figure it out. You two always do." he sighed as we took a seat. Ryder's seat was right behind and above mine. Fucking. Great.

The whole movie I was zoned out. I still have no idea what movie we're here to watch or well- what movie I'm 'watching' right now. Then something snapped me out of my thoughts, Ryder's voice. "I can't. She asked for time and I agreed to give it to her." he whispered yelled at the guys. "She's on a date with Jeremy for god's sake." Ethan whined like a kid. "Just talk to her." Daniel suggested. "Guys, I promised her, to give her space. The second she comes to me I'll speak to her." he said before I heard him getting off his chair, followed by footsteps to the exit.

I waited a good 10 minutes before mumbling a "I got to go to the bathroom" to Jeremy and escaping the theatre. Oh we're here to watch Captain Marvel. Well love that I missed out on basically the whole movie. I went to bathroom to freshen up a little and then I headed to the counter to get some water. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Ryder waiting for a water.

"Sir, we've run out cold water, please wait a moment? It'll just take a few minutes." the kid running the counter told Ryder. I cannot drink luke warm or hot water. I just can't. My body doesn't process it well. It makes me feel sick. "Can I help you?" the guy who looked to be around 14 asked me as I approached the counter.

"Can I get a cold water please?" I gulped subconsciously.
"Please wait for a moment ma'm. We've run out." he apologized before going to the back to I'm assuming, get some cold water. We just stood there, in an awkward silence for what felt like decades. "Say something please?" I softly mumbled but loud enough for him to hear.
"What do you want me to say? You're the one who told me that you needed two days without me." he said, a little bitter in his tone. "That doesn't mean you don't talk to me at all. I just need some time to- have my brain working again." I explained. "You dropped a bomb on me last night. Please give me some time." I sighed.

"Mia, I am willing to give you all the time in the world. But the problem is, I don't have that much time. I'll be disappearing for the next two days from your life. I have a deal to do in the town over. So please just answer me this, can there still be an us?" he asked with hope evident in his eyes. "Please just say yes or no" he pleaded.

"What do you mean you'll be disappearing for two days?" I asked stunned and confused.
"Just answer the damn question. Do you still like me like that?" he asked, sounding desperate for my answer. "Yes, of course I do." I said quickly before the kid came back with two cold water bottles. "On the house for the delay. Sorry, have a great day." he smiled as he handed us the bottles. "So I still have a chance?" he asked me as people started walking out of the theatre.
Damn, I guess I really did miss the whole movie.

"Yes, you do." I mumbled before running to Jeremy with a smile on my lips.
"Everything ok?" Jeremy asked.
"Everything's ok." I reassured him.

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