Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: (Ryder's POV)

Wait, how did I not realize yet that she was here with Jeremy? That son of a bitch is dating that bitch Bella and is taking my girl out on a date. Wait what? Shut the fuck up, Ryder. She's not your girl... not anymore. "I didn't even realize she's here with Jeremy." Ethan said (what a fucking liar Daniel and him literally pointed it out during the movie) slowly as all three of us glared at the two, well at Jeremy. "Well Ryder just did and it's not going to end good. Ryder, let's just go, come on." Daniel said as he nudged me and began moving to the exit. I didn't budge.

I was just glaring at Jeremy and Mia, standing by the wall near the exit, burning holes into Jeremy's head. "Ryder, come on. Don't do anything here." Daniel muttered under his breath as he tried taking me out but my feet had a mind of their own and pulled me to Jeremy and Mia. "Mia? Can I speak to you for a second please?" I stormed up to them and caught them both off guard. "No you can't." Jeremy cut in and judging from Mia's reaction, she was surprised by his actions. "He can't?" she asked Jeremy confused. "Nope. You're here with me on a date not with him." Jeremy wrapped an arms around her waist and pulled her closer to himself, making me clench my fists and jaw. "A date, right." she said hesitantly as Jeremy gave her a look.

"Are you really here on a date with him?" I asked a little taken-back and very confused.

"I am?" she said, trying to sound sure but it came out more like a question.
"Yeah, I bet you are. I need to talk to you, come with me." I tried to take her hand in mine and pull her to the side, away from Jeremy but he grabbed onto her arm and pulled her back. "Didn't I just say she can't. I'm not allowing her to." he roughly pulled her back, I saw her wince at his force. "And why the fuck does she need your permission?" I asked, as I tried pulling her again but he only pulled her back with more force this time. "Ow, Jeremy!" she let out a soft yelp.

"Dude, watch out ok? There's no need to get rough." I warned him as I let go of her hand, scared that he would hurt her. "She's my girlfriend, I can do whatever I please." he said with a smug look on his face. "Watch your mouth asshat. You're going her call her your girlfriend when really you're in love with someone else." I warned as I took a daring step closer to him. I saw him gulp as he processed what I said. "Why do you need to speak to her anyway?" he asked, finally letting go of her arm. "That's none of your damn business." I said through gritted teeth, finally about to take Mia with me, when he jerked her back by her shoulder. That definitely hurt her. "Jeremy!" she yelled in pain, gathering a crowd. "Hands off!" I demanded.
"Or what?" he challenged.

That's all it took for me to throw a punch at him, hitting him square in the jaw, I'm assuming he bit his lip on accident from the cut that formed on it and quickly began bleeding. He began falling to the floor but caught himself. "Told you he loved you." he smirked at Mia and walked away after saying goodbye to her. What the hell is he talking about? "I wasn't actually on a date with him. Nor am I actually his girlfriend. He just did that to prove his point to me." she sighed as she turned to face me with a hue of pink on her cheeks. "What point?" I asked as the crowd began whispering. "That you liked me and would get jealous." she hid a smile and began walking to the exit, leaving me smiling to myself like an idiot.

What he said was true though. I did love her and I did get jealous. "Aren't you going to drive her home?" Daniel asked he pushed me in the direction she went in. I jogged until I caught up with her, the sun was setting and she was admiring it, while I, was admiring her. "It's a beautiful view." she said as she stopped at a turn, getting a clearer view. "It really is." I smiled, causing her to look at me and playfully slap my chest. "You didn't have to do what you did that back there. It was pointless and you know it." she sighed as she continued walking. Was she walking home? "My car is this way, babe." I said as I held her hand in mine and began walking her to where my car was parked. It was a black range rover. "Did you just call me babe?" she asked, just realizing what I had said.

"Nope, I didn't maybe your ears are ringing?" I asked teasingly.
"My ears are so not ringing. You called me babe!" she pushed my shoulder as we continued walking. "Maybe I did." I said, smiling sheepishly as I looked down at the pavement while scratching the back of my neck. "Ha! I was right!" she said as she ran up to my car and waited for me to walk over and reach it.

"You walk very slowly." she informed me as she got off from leaning on my car.
"I was taking my time looking at you leaning on my car." I winked as I opened the passenger door for her, letting her get in. "Thank you." she smiled as I walked over and started the car.
"I'm staying the night at yours." I informed her.

"Remind me how that is your decision to make?" she prompted.
"Well, I'm not going to see for the next two days so I'm definitely staying." I sighed as I backed out of the parking spot and began the drive home. "Please text or call me to let me know you're ok." she pleaded.
"Of course I will. I might have to tell Ethan or Daniel to tell you if they're watching me that closely otherwise, I'll tell you myself." I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze before placing it back on the wheel.

"I hate what you do." she shook her head and looked out the window, I felt her pull her legs, to face the other direction. She was either mad or upset. I'll take upset as my guess since she just kind of patched things up with me. "I hate what I do too, but I don't have a choice." I explained.

"Yes, you do. Everyone always has a choice." she turned to face me as I pulled up in her driveway and parked the car. "Not me, Mia. They'll kill me and my mom and probably you." I explained frustrated at my father for putting me in this position. For putting me in a position where I have to choose between my family, myself, and the girl I love the most. I hate him. I hope what he does goes back to bite him in the ass. "Just promise me you won't do something stupid and that you'll come back. Fine and alive." she grabbed my hand and took it in hers.

"I promise. Whatever happens, I'll come back alive." I reassured to the best of my ability before getting out of the car and opening her door for her too.

We walked into her house and saw her parents sitting on the couch, with Jeremy and his parents sitting on the couch next to the one they were sitting on.
"Mia Rose Stewart. From now on, you will not see Ryder Rodriguez Parker!" her mother yelled, making her flinch. "What are you talking about?" she asked confused as she walked up to them still holding my hand. "Look at what he has done." her mom said as she pointed at Jeremy who sat there with his busted lip and damaged jaw. "Sorry." Jeremy mouthed. His parents dragged him here? "I was hurting her. He had every right to hit me." Jeremy admitted.

"You are her boyfriend. You can do whatever!" Mia's and Jeremy's moms yelled together.
What fucking century are they living in? So much for gender equality.

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