Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: (Mia's POV)

After saying that to him, I got off the counter and went up to my room. Before I could lock the door and practically kick him out, he sprinted up the stairs and put his foot between the door. "I already broke your hand, why are you looking for a broken foot?" I groaned as I opened my door and let him in. "Why are you running from me?" he asked as a worried expression washed over his face. "Because I'm mad at you. Because I'm hurt because of you." I said blatantly.

"Mia, I'm trying here but you're not letting me. I'm not going to give up. I want you back, I will have you back." he sighed as he explained. "What if I don't want you back Ryder?" I groaned out before I could control myself and process what I was saying. "You don't want me back?" he asked as hurt flashed through his eyes before he went back to his signature stone face. I stayed quiet not knowing what to say. "Do you not want me back Mia? Say it and I'll leave. I'll never bother you again." he deadpanned. I couldn't bring myself to say the words, because I'd be lying if I said they were true. I so badly wanted him back. "I'll leave if that's what you want." he mumbled before turning around to walk through my door.

I immediately grabbed his hand and pulled him back. His good hand of course. "Wait! I didn't say it did I?" I rolled my eyes as I pulled him closer to me subconsciously. "Are you saying you don't want me leaving?" he asked as a grin found its way to his face. "I'm saying-" I was saying but I got interrupted by my mom yelling. "Honey we're home. Jeremy and his parents are having dinner with us, hurry!" she yelled and I smacked my hand over Ryder's mouth without knowing. He ripped my hand off his mouth and whispered, "Why the hell is Jeremy here?" I simply shrugged and pushed him behind me.

"Wait here." I whispered as I tiptoed out of my room and peeked over from the edge of the stairs and saw Jeremy looking around for me. "Great." I muttered to myself and walked back into my room. "My parents are waiting for me. How do I justify your presence?" I groaned.
"I would go to my room from your window but I locked my window before we left for the beach." he sighed. "Take me downstairs and then play along." he demanded and I complied. I began walking to and down the stairs, with Ryder following me. "Mom, Ryder will be joining us for dinner. I hope that's ok?" I said, terrified of what her and my dad would say. You see, my mom doesn't exactly like Ryder, she never really did but my dad was ok with him. "Please Mrs Stewart?" Ryder said in a sweet voice as he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

What the hell was he up to? "How long have you been here, Ryder?" my mom asked, already sounding mad and bitter. "Oh well, I was planning on staying the night if that's alright?" he asked, making her visibly stiffen. I knew she didn't like him, my dad didn't like him towards the end of my relationship with him because he broke my heart and my dad told me he saw it coming (I wonder how?) but I wish he still liked him and approved of him now.

"You can stay, it's alright." my dad cut in before my mom could say anything and gave me a stern look. "Can I speak to you for a moment, kids?" my dad asked as he lead me and Ryder away from everyone else. "Are you two back together?" he raised an eyebrow. I was about to say no but Ryder spoke before me. "I'm trying." he sighed and gave an apologetic look to my dad. He visibly looked guilty for breaking my heart. "Be very careful, Ryder." my dad warned as he walked back over to everyone else, with us following. Everyone sat at the table while my mom and I put dinner together. Once it was done, we began eating.

"So are you two back together?" my mom glared at Ryder and me. "No, they're not." my dad answered for us. "Good, I was hoping you would let Jeremy take you out, Mia." my mom said as she looked at Ryder daringly. Fuck to the no. "I uh- Can I ask why?" I stuttered my heart racing as I felt Ryder who sitting to my right, stiffen and saw Jeremy to my left, blush. "It's not really a date, don't worry. I just want to hangout." Jeremy explained. I don't want to but when I looked at my mom, I knew that if looks could kill, I would be 6 feet under. "S-sure?" I said but it came out more like a question which was followed by Ryder snapping to look at me. I swear I heard a crack.

I quickly looked over at Ryder and mouthed, 'I'm sorry,' before I continued to eat and occasionally pass someone the food. "So, can I ask what happened between you two?" Jeremy's mom questioned. She's always been a bitch I swear. "He broke her heart." my mom said quickly. Bitch.
"And I'll regret it for the rest of my life. Which is why I'm trying to get her back." he said before I could argue, making my mom glare at him. I couldn't help myself, so I grabbed his hand under the table which he gave a light squeeze to.
That was probably the worst dinner of my life. I kept talking to Ryder to distract myself and avoided all conversation with Jeremy. I don't get what's his deal? Why is always trying to talk to me? "Bye." I said as Jeremy and his parents left, leaving Ryder and me to face the wrath of my parents. "Get out." my mother demanded as soon as we were alone. "Ryder. Leave." she deadpanned. "He's not going anywhere." I blurted out before I could stop myself.
"He'll break your heart again. Look at Jeremy he is so much better for you." my mom sighed.

"I don't care. I will never like him that way, mom. And I'm not going anywhere with him."
"Why not? I only want you to be happy." she tried to guilt-trip me. No, you thought, mother.
"Well, I'll never be as happy with Jeremy as I was with Ryder. Dad, please?" I pleaded my dad. I was closer to my dad. He understood me better and pressured me less. "Honey, just let her be. She's old enough to handle her problems." my dad distracted my mom while I grabbed Ryder's hand and shot up the stairs, into my room.

We ran into my room where I immediately ran to my bed, grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. "I hate her." I complained as I sat down on the bed, where Ryder then sat beside me.
"No you don't. She's your mom, she only wants the best for you." he sighed as we both lied across my bed. "And how does she know what's best for me?" I questioned.
"Mother knows best?" he quoted Tangled. My favorite movie, making me lightly chuckle.
"Are you really going to stay the night?" I asked as I looked over at him.
"If you want me to." he shrugged as he looked into my eyes and smiled that billion dollar smile.

"Just so we know, I'm still mad at you for kissing her today, but we can forget that for now." I sighed as I sat up after he did too. "I'm sorry, I really am. I don't even know why I did it. I guess it kind of just, took me a minute to realize it was her." he mumbled under his breath. I simply nodded in understanding while I looked at him. We just sat there for a minute looking at each other. Appreciating each other, I guess? "Is it ok with you if I stay?" he said.
"Shh, you're ruining the moment." I whispered as I put my finger over his lips, shutting him up.

I closed my eyes and sighed as I felt him smile under my finger.
"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" he whispered, taking my finger off.
"Only like a 1000 thousand times." I teased.

The picture above has nothing to do with the chapter I just thought it was a cute picture. ;)

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