Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: (Mia's POV)

I woke up the next morning due to the sunlight shining through my window, blinding me while doing so. I woke up expecting Ryder to be gone, but he was right there, peacefully sleeping next to me. Well last night, things got heated to say the least. I was going to have to cover up the hickies I am so sure that he left. I glanced over at my nightstand and saw that it was only 7 in the morning, and with that thought, I drifted back into a slumber. *2 hours later* I woke up and flipped over, hoping for Ryder to still be there for me to snuggle up next to, but only felt the empty bed. I sleepily reached my hand over and I softly her my bedroom door click open. I didn't bother to open my eyes since I knew it was Ryder, no one else was home. He chuckled as he walked up to my bed and placed something on my nightstand as he crouched down next to my bed, and intertwined our fingers in our now held hands. "Morning sunshine." he said, his voice hoarse and raspy, how it is for the majority of the mornings on a daily basis. "Morning." I said as I tugged at his hand, suggesting that I wanted him next to me in bed. 

He let out a small laugh and came and lied down next to me in bed. "I thought you were only playing my girlfriend till sunrise?" he said teasingly. "I don't see anyone who can stop me right now so shut up." I groaned as I hugged him and rested my head on his chest.

"Everyone's going to be here soon. We should get up." he said in just above a whisper as he kissed the top of my head. "Why is everyone coming here?" I asked confused.

"We made plans to go to the beach remember?" he laughed as he looked down at me, and tilted my chin up to make me look at him. "Oh crap!" I shrieked as I jumped out of bed and frantically searched my drawers for the right swimsuit and clothes to wear while he sat there, laughing at me hysterically. "Which one?" I asked in a rush as I grabbed two random bikinis and held them up. One red, one white. "Red is your color to go." he said as he came up to me and snatched the bikinis and threw them onto my bed, and pinned me against my closet door.

"Ryder, what are you doing?" I breathed as he began kissing my jawline, down to my neck.

"I don't know, you tell me." he said teasingly as he gave me another hickey. I swear, I have no clue as to how to cover up the two hickies I now have since I don't have a waterproof concealer and we're going to beach which means we're going swimming. "Well, currently you're giving me another hickey to cover." I said, my breathing shaky and my heart racing.

"Tell me to stop and I will. Say the word." he breathed against my neck.

"Why didn't you tell me it was so easy? Stop." I forced the words out of my mouth, and made him stop. Did I really want him to stop though? "My work of art is already done." he said as he quickly kissed my neck and pushed into the bathroom to look at my neck and oh-my-god!

I had two bright purple/blue hickies just right there on my neck for everyone to see.

"How long do you suggest these will be there for?" I asked, with my heart beating out of my chest. "Ryder, my parents are coming home tonight!" I screamed as realization dawned on me. My parents were going to see this. "Well then, figure it out. I'll see you with everyone else." he smirked as he walked over to my window after grabbing his phone and shoving it in his pocket.

He quickly came back to me and pinned me against the wall and crashed his lips onto mine.

The kiss lasted for roughly two minutes. "It's the last one I get." he winked as he jumped through my window and through his, into his room. "Great, now about those hickeys." I mumbled as I tried putting concealer on them and set it with powder after I finished getting ready. "I hope that works." I said, just as a car honked outside my house. I peeked my head out of my window and saw Daniel honking the car, with Harper sitting shotgun, Ethan and Grace in the middle with Ryder in the very back. Time to switch my acting skills on and 'hate him' how I once did.

"Here goes nothing." I huffed as I grabbed my bags, my keys and headed out the door.

I walked over to the car and saw Daniel getting out of the driver's seat. "Hey, you got everything you need?" he asked me as he opened the trunk and placed my bag in it, with the other's bags.

"I think so." I replied as he closed the trunk and turned to face me. "Your hickeys are slightly showing." he whispered to me with a sly smile as he walked back over and sat in the driver's seat. I grabbed his arm before he could and asked, "No they're not. Where am I sitting?" I asked as everyone's head peered out of the windows. "Sorry, you're going to have to sit at the back with Ryder." he gave me a look which read, 'I know you two were together last night' and then opened the door for Ethan to step out, so I could get it after Daniel folded the seat.

"Nowhere else I can sit?" I asked, as I tried my hardest to bring up all feeling of hate that I had for Ryder. Starting with, the anger in me he placed by breaking my heart. It was working to say the least. "Nope." he said popping the 'p' as he grabbed my hand and helped me in and then put the seat back where Ethan sat as Daniel started the car.

"Great." I muttered under my breath. We were about 5 minutes into the 1 hour long ride and I was strongly ignoring Ryder. "You didn't really do a good job at hiding those hickeys." he whispered in my ear, his lips brushing against my ear, giving me chills. "You try doing better." I whispered as I looked out of the window. "Hey Mia, can you pass me some water?" Grace asked, turning in her seat to face me. "Yeah sure." I said as I leaned back into the seat, reaching my arm into the trunk and getting her a bottle of water from the cooler. I handed it to her as she screamed, "Is that a hickey?!" great. Now everyone knows. I heard Ryder snicker from beside me, making me stomp on his foot. "What? No. No. Who the hell would I get it from?" I struggled to look for excuses. "Yeah I wonder, who gave it to you?" Ryder asked from beside me.

"Someone who clearly knows how to give one." I snapped, shading him in the process.

"Burn." I heard Ethan laugh, earning a smack on the head by Ryder.

"I very much know how to give a hickey. Maybe I could show you sometime." he said teasingly.

"Maybe he already has." I heard Daniel say as he looked at my from the rearview mirror.

"No, he hasn't. He had that chance and he missed it." I said as I rolled my eyes at Daniel and Ryder and once again looked out of the window.

"Why don't you tell us who gave you the hickeys then?" Harper asked.

"Maybe Ryder should answer." Daniel looked at him daringly.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The last chapter and this one were kind of heated... Sorry and if anyone who knows me is reading this... DON'T BRING IT UP WHEN YOU SEE ME. Don't please just don't.


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