Chapter 50

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Chapter 50: (Mia's POV)

After about 30 minutes of trying, I finally got Ryder to leave. I was currently leaning against my front door after he just left while I let out a sigh. "Finally." I whispered underneath my breath while I walked up to my room to find him right there. Lying on my bed. "Are you kidding me?" I groaned out of frustration. "Nice to see you too." he laughed. Why? Just why? What does he want? "It's not nice to see you. Why are you back?" I asked as I just collapsed and sat down on the floor, criss-cross applesauce, leaning against my bedroom door. "Cause I didn't wanna leave." he shrugged as he sighed and sat down in front of me, mirroring me.

"Why? Why? Why?!" I yelled that last one out loud while I fake cried and screamed in frustration. "Because I know you don't really want me to leave just yet." he shrugged.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Is that the impression that you got when I pushed you out the door?" I asked mockingly. "Something like that." he nodded, while I just sat there, glaring at him in annoyance. He's not gonna leave, Mia. Get over it. "Are you over the fact that I'm not gonna leave yet?" he questioned. "Just give me a second." I said, taking a deep breath in and out. "Now I'm over it." I huffed before I threw my hair up in a bun and belly flopped onto my bed. "Get up!" he grabbed my legs and shook them. "Why?" I groaned into my pillow. "What's the point?" I questioned.

"Get up!" he smacked my legs and shook them, trying to get me to get back up, but I didn't budge. "Miaaaaa!" he stretched out my name. "Mia, I swear I'll fucking smack your ass, get up!" he groaned, making me instantly flip so he couldn't do what he said he would, and so I could see him. "What? What the hell is it that you want?" I yelled out into the room, while he plopped down next to me on my bed. "You." he whispered to himself but I heard him.

"I'm sorry, what was that? Could you repeat that?" I teased as I lied on my stomach, looking up at him. "You want ice cream?" he asked, stuttering a little, covering his tracks.

"That's not what you said." I shook my head, looking into his eyes while I shifted a little closer to him. "That's exactly what I said." he argued, trying to play it innocent.

"So you don't want me by any chance?" I taunted as I lied on top of him, resting my chin on his chest. "Damn you." he whispered before continuing, "If you don't get off of me, I might kiss you. And if I do, I won't be able to stop." he tucked a strand of hair that fell out of my bun, behind my ear. "Let's play a game, Ry. Last one to kiss the other person, wins. First one to kiss, loses." I challenged because I knew I was gonna win. "And what does the winner get?" he raised an eyebrow. "Whatever they want. The loser, gets the kiss." I shrugged.

"So just to clarify, if I decide I want to lose, I can kiss you?" he asked before agreeing, to which I nodded. "Yes, you can." I replied.

"Ok, let's do it." he said before he paused while looking down at me, still lying on top of him. We kind of just lied there, looking into each other's eyes, oh my god this sounds so cliche but that's exactly what was going on. I needed him to crack before I did because I was already wanting to kiss him, so I moved up a little higher, my lips hovering over his. "Fuck it." he mumbled before he grabbed my face and placed his lips on mine. Yes!!! Finally!!! I had been dying to kiss him since I had to stop myself last time but I'm not stopping him this time, fuck this shit. I sat up, straddling him without breaking the kiss. "I win." I smirked into the kiss, making him smile against my lips before deepening the kiss. We were borderline making out when his phone rang, I was expecting him to pull away and answer but he didn't break the kiss. 

He answered the phone, putting it on speaker and only pulled away to say, "Hello?" he asked before he placed his lips on mine again. Good to know he wants the kiss just as bad as I do. "Ryder honey, I just called to check in, is everything alright?" Mrs Parker asked from the other side of the line. I found Mrs Parker to be such an amazing mother. She's always been there for Ryder and helped and supported him with everything. "Mm-hmm." he hummed, still not pulling away, or letting me pull away. "Use your words, honey." she laughed over the phone. Oh gosh, I feel horrible right now because while she's trying to talk to her son and make sure he's ok, he's here snogging me.

I pulled away but before he pulled me back in, I gave him a pointed look and pointed to the phone with my eyes. "Everything's good, mom." he shrugged before grabbing the back of my neck and pulling me back into a kiss. "Now, the real reason I called was to ask you for a favor." she informed.

"And what's that?" Ryder questioned, pulling away before smashing his lips on mine again. I tried holding in a laugh but ended up letting out a giggle into the kiss, only making him kiss me harder to shut me up. "I hear a girl, are you with Mia?" she asked over the phone. He broke the kiss and gave me a stern look. "No, mom. I'm just watching a movie." he lied before kissing me again. "Alright. Well then, as you know my engagement is coming up in a week and a half and two weeks after that is the wedding. I was thinking about it and I realized, I still don't have a bridesmaid. I tried to get in touch with Mia but her number doesn't seem to be on the phone so I was wondering if you could maybe give me her number to me so I could ask her if she's interested in being the bridesmaid along with Grace perhaps?" she asked Ryder. 

He broke the kiss and looked confused. "You want Mia to be a bridesmaid? I was just gonna bring her as my date." he told her, making me smile before we started making out again. "Well you see, about that, I was speaking to Oliver and he's asked of you to be the best man. Only if you like of course." she said quickly, she sounded nervous. Awe.

"So you guys would like for me to the best man and Mia to be the bridesmaid?" he asked, pulling away for a split second before kissing me again. For god's sake, his mom is on the phone while we're making out here. "If you two are ok with it. That's exactly why I want her number. So I can ask her myself because chances are if you went to ask her, you'd forget to ask her and get too busy spending time with her." she spoke with adoration in her voice for Ryder and I. If only she knew how we spend our time together. *ahem* making out *ahem*.

I broke the kiss and whispered in his ear. "Give her my number. I would love to be her bridesmaid." I whispered.

"I'll send you her number, mom." he said before flipping us over so he hovered over me before crashing his lips on mine again. "Alright honey, don't forget. Take care. Bye Ryder. Bye Mia." she said before hanging up. Damn, so she did figure out I was on the line. "How did she know?" I mumbled into the kiss. "Well when you giggle like that." he smirked against my lips.

"I don't giggle like anything." I broke it to playfully slap him. He tried to kiss me again but I pushed him back. "So I won." I raised an eyebrow. "And for my prize, I want you to win me back. Can you do that for me?" I questioned with a smirk of my own, playing on my lips.

"I sure as hell can." he said, making me smile before pulling him in by the collar of his black v-neck, smashing my lips on his.







They aren't back together yet, so don't get too excited.

Or are they?

Also, we're at 50 chapters. Damn I write a lot.

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