Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: (Mia's POV)

"Occasionally embarrassing myself shouldn't be so bad." he sighed as he leaned his head on the door of my car. "I um- I should get home. It's pretty late. Can you please tell Ethan or someone else to drop Grace home? I'm kind of tired after the tears." I nervously chuckled as I pulled away from our close proximity and took a small step back, creating a larger space between us. "Ethan will drop her off, don't worry. Just how I'm dropping you home." he smiled as he walked over to the passenger seat and held the door open for me. "M'lady." he smiled.

"Ryder I-"

"Please just let me drop you home, Mia? I have this one night until the sun rises tomorrow and you go back to hating me and I have to work my ass off to get you back. Just this one night, be my girlfriend, Mia?" he asked pleadingly. How the hell am I supposed to say no?

"Fine, just for tonight."

"The rest of the night? Until the sun rises?" he raised an eyebrow at me as I got into the car.

"Yes, until the rises." I smiled as he thanked me for agreeing and got into the driver's seat and started driving to my house.

Is he ever going to tell me why he broke up with me in the first place? I guess I'll just have to wait and be patient. "I'm sure you're trying to figure out why I broke up with you in the first place. And I swear I'll tell you. But before I can tell you, I need to make sure that knowing the reason won't make you drift away from me or hate me." he huffed as he glanced at me between turns. "I never hated you, Ryder. Ever. I can't hate you. I believe you. You can tell me whenever you are ready. No pressure." I offered him a small smile when he looked over at me for a second.

The rest of ride, we remained silent. At times it was awkward and at other times it was comfortable. And then we reached my house, which meant we also reached his.

"Thanks for driving me here." I said as I opened the door to get out, which he also did, he then walked over to my side of the car. "Your keys." he said as she placed my keys in my hand.

"Right, my keys." I said as I took them and began walking to my front door when he pulled me back. "Little problem um- I kind of left my keys at Ethan's. When I ran after you, you know." he said as he scratched the back of his neck, nervous habits never fade. "If you're asking me if you can stay the night at my house then yes, you can." I smiled as I walked to my front door, with him right beside me. "Guestroom?" he asked as we walked into my house.

"The guestroom hasn't been cleaned for almost 5 months. No one stayed there after you stopped coming over. It's locked too and I have no idea where the keys are. My parents locked their room before leaving so-"

"So it's either the couch or your room?" he raised a brow at me.

"Yes, it's either the couch or my room. The uncomfortable couch." I reminded him.

"What happened to the nice one?" he whined as he went and sat on the kitchen counter.

"My parents got bored of the color." I shrugged.

"So it's this or your room?" he said as he pointed to the couch.

"Exactly. I um- I could set up some pillows upstairs." I suggested.

"On the floor, yeah sure." he nodded.

"I can't let you sleep on the floor, come on." I sighed as I put my keys away.

"Then where am I going to sleep? On your desk?" he raised his brows at me. "We can divide the bed but obviously that divider won't stick since you have a tendency to take up the whole bed and knock me off." he huffed.

"Hey, that happened once! And I swear I won't knock you off, the divider will stick." I sighed as I got us some water bottles. "Whatever you say. And that did not just happen once that happened every night that I stayed over, and then I had to ask you to cuddle just to so I wouldn't fall off in the middle of the night." he blurted out, making me look up at him, and see him looking at me, surprised at his own actions. "But that's not an option anymore." I mumbled as I began walking up the stairs with him behind me. "Actually it is, since you're my girlfriend until the sun rises." he said, making me abruptly stop walking, and turning to face him.

"I never said I was your girlfriend." I scoffed.

"You did, you promised, until sun rise." he argued.

"Did not." I hook my head, no.

"Did too." he raised his eyebrows at me knowingly. Did I really agree to that? Why would I do that to myself. "Don't worry, I won't make you cuddle, unless you want to." he smirked and walked past me and into my room. I scoffed and followed him into my room and went straight to my closet to get my pyjamas out. I haven't even slept on that side of the bed since we broke up.

I had a king sized bed that before we dated, I used to sleep all over the place on, and after we started dating and he started staying the nights, I began taking the right side and he took the left and yeah, I knocked him off numerous times until we started cuddling and I got used to that and after we broke up, I didn't sleep on the left side of the bed. It was his side.

"I'm going to go change, don't move things around or go through my desk. You've had that habit." I warned before leaving to change. I went and changed into a strapped top and some shorts and came back in my room to find him... Going through my desk. "The one thing I told you not to do." I sighed and shook my head as I walked over to him and looked at what he was looking at. Our photos that I kept for some stupid reason. "I remember that night. I threw you into the lake, and then jumped in like the idiot that I was." he chuckled as he put the pictures back.

"The idiot that you are." I corrected him with a smile playing on my lips and I remembered that night. "Ok, well you're smiling like an idiot, so at least for now, I'd say you're the idiot." he smiled.

I simply shrugged at that. He was right, I was smiling like an idiot. I knew exactly why. Cause I was reliving the memory in my head.

"So what exactly is the sleeping situation for tonight? Not like we're going to sleeping anytime soon. You sleep at like 3 in the morning and so do I. So, do you have any idea in mind for what to do right now?" he asked as he lied down on my bed and looked up at my ceiling, where my star projecting lamp, which he got me for my 15th birthday, shone stars above the bed.

"Well, I was going to just chill for tonight. Before you came running out, my plan was to cry and eat ice cream. After you came outside, my plan was to do face masks and dance around to music." I said sarcastically. Who the hell plans that?

"Face masks and dancing it is then." he smiled.

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