Chapter 51

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Chapter 51: (Ryder's POV)

We were just chilling in her room, lying on her bed while we kind of just did our own thing, when her doorbell rang. She poked her head out of her window and saw someone before turning to me frantically. "My parents are here?" she said, but it sounded more like a question. I got very confused and looked out her window, to see them standing there, without any luggage, which probably meant they were just staying the night because they got a break in between. "Would you mind hiding in the closet for a little bit?" she asked hesitantly. She hated it when she had to hide me from her parents but we've been there, done that, so I don't really mind. 

"Of course." I smiled, before opening her closet door. She went in with me to place the clothes in a certain way so if someone were to open it, chances are they wouldn't see me. She turned around to leave but I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. "What?" she asked confused and in a rush. I grabbed her hair tie and let her hair loose, hiding the hickeys, before quickly pecking her lips. "Nothing." I shrugged, making her smile before she ran down. I heard the front door open, followed by some muffled voices. I then heard her room door open and heard footsteps coming in. From past experiences, I know not to step out of the closet until she opens it and lets me out. "How's everything been kiddo?" I heard Mr Stewart's voice. "You can step out, Ryder." I heard him say and then Mia opened the door. "Don't ask how he knew." she shook her head before plopping down on her bed while Mr Stewart sat on the foot of the bed.

"Everything's great dad." she said nervously, while sitting upright and fiddling with her hands that rested in her lap. "I have to speak to you two." Mr Stewart informed us, catching our attention. "Something wrong?" I asked getting a little more nervous as my heart started racing.

"Ryder, your father contacted me." as soon as I heard those words come out of his mouth, my heart dropped while I looked at Mia to instantly stiffen and become nervous. I had to stay calm, there was nothing else I could do. "I take it he told you?" I asked, breathing in and out, trying to stay as calm as possible. "Yes, he did." Mr Stewart nodded, making me panic internally even more. "Am I still allowed to see her?" I questioned, as I glanced over at Mia. Mr Stewart looked at Mia before looking back at me and saying, "Do you think you should be allowed to see her?" he questioned. "From my point of view? Yes. I can't say from yours. You're her dad and I don't know anything about that." I shrugged hoping I didn't come off as rude but it was true. 

I'm someone who is trying to make her my girlfriend again so why would I say that she shouldn't be able to see me? All that poetic shit about letting someone go if you love them is bullshit. I think it's better to stay and fight for them. "I hope you two are understanding my situation here though. I was told that my daughter was put at gunpoint because of the doings of her boyfriend." he sighed. 

"No, because of the doings of her boyfriend's father. Ryder didn't do anything." she countered.

"I don't expect you to be thinking of yourself in this situation, you two are blinded by love." Mr Stewart scoffed. "Then what makes you think we won't see each other if told?" she shrugged. "Fair point. So, how long till you're officially out?" he interrogated.

"Charles asked for some time to inform everyone, he's gonna get back to me soon." I informed. He stood up to leave before telling Mia, "Ryder's gonna be out soon but since Jeremy isn't, I think you should stop seeing him. For whatever reasons." he gave her a pointed look before walking out of her room. Wait a second. Why would he know that Mia's seeing Jeremy? He knows everything from what Shane told him right? Unless... "Jeremy is telling Shane." Mia and I said in unison as it finally went off in our heads, that he probably agreed to go out with her, to keep Shane updated on her and I and help Shane keep tabs on us.

"Oh my god. This is all my fault." she breathed as she placed her head in her hands. "You were trying to cut Shane off and I put Jeremy near you and I just tied you right back down to him." she groaned. "I'm so sorry." she apologized without meeting my eyes.

"Something's not right. Shane couldn't have made it so easy for us to catch on. Jeremy might be telling him but through someone else. Because, Shane is with Charles and Jeremy has never met Charles. Charles only lets specific people see him in person. Jeremy wasn't one of them." I was so confused because Jeremy is definitely telling someone and that someone is the one telling Shane because currently, no one except for Charles's men, can reach Shane. Oh god, this is so confusing.

"What do we do?" she asked as she leaned her back against the headboard and looked up at her ceiling. I don't think there's anything we could do even if we tried so we're probably just gonna have to wait till we catch Jeremy red handed. "Nothing. We do nothing." I said, earning a confused look from her. "Chances are Jeremy has something to back him up, so we need to catch him red handed. For that to happen, you need to keep seeing him and I need to know where he is at all times. And the more he's here, the easier for me to keep an eye on him. Call him over." I said as grabbed my phone and threw my shoes on.

"Wait, where are you going?" she got up and walked over to me by the window with confusion written all over her face. "Back home. We don't know if there's guys outside so we should probably keep our distance for a little bit." I explained. She frowned before taking a huge step back. "What are you doing?" I questioned very confused.

"Keeping my distance. See, I can't even reach you." she said, sticking her arms out, showing me that she can't reach me. I laughed before smiling and pulling her close to me by her hands.

"Call me if anything happens. I'll probably stop by once he's here, make him think I got jealous." I grabbed the back of her neck and looked at her in all seriousness. "You did though." she said teasingly before smirking like she won. Well she did, but let's forget about that. "I won too." she raised an eyebrow at me cockily.

"Yeah, you did but I got the kiss so who really won?" I shrugged before putting my phone in my pocket and quickly pressing my lips to hers before pulling away. "Bye." I spoke, making her pout. "Bye." she sadly waved as I swung over and into my room. Once I came into my room, I turned to see her when she blew a kiss my way which I caught before she grabbed her phone and called Jeremy.

"Hey, um- sorry I wasn't home earlier when you came but, you wanna hangout now?" she asked into the phone. "Ok, cool. In an hour then, see ya." she spoke into the phone before hanging up.

"Lord help me." she groaned after throwing her phone on her bed, making me laugh and shake my head. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the girl I'm in love with. 






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