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So This Is Love • The Cheetah Girls

"My heart has wings
And I can fly
I'll touch ev'ry star in the sky
So this is the miracle that I've been dreaming of
So this is love"

Five weeks later
Santa Fe, NM

The time passed quickly for everyone at the ranch, the movie was becoming closer to the end, and everyone was a bit sad about it.

For Mel and Amora, they spent mornings before shooting, and a few evenings together every day, yet it still wasn't enough for the pair. They were getting used to each other's presence and personalities, Mel enjoyed hearing Amora sing little show tunes and Amora enjoyed Mel's kindness.

Everyone seemed to notice their chemistry and the way that Mel smiled at Amora, better yet, Regina loved that Mel hadn't done anything to jeopardize his relationship with Amora. She could tell that he was falling for her, and it was the same for Amora.

Randomly, Mel would ask Regina for advice, not that he listened to it, it was more like a second opinion on what to do with Amora that day.

At the moment, things were going wonderful for everyone staying at the Bailey Ranch, Amora wasn't being bothered by her father, and Mel didn't have to deal with stupid people like Achilles. Everything was kind of perfect

"The moment I wake up before I put on my makeup. I say a little prayer for you!" Amora sang one of her favorite songs as she danced around the stable.

Mel watched as his beautiful angel sang a random tune. He thought it was cute, very cute. Amora just seemed to get cuter to Mel every day, her behavior was admirable.

"I run for the bus dear, and while riding I think of us, dear. I say a little prayer for youuuu." Amora sang out while twirling around.

Mel watched as he moved the bails of hay.

Amora eventually found herself in the stable with Mel, only she didn't know that he was in there. "My darling, believe me, believe me. For me, there is no one but you. Please love me true, I'm in love with you." Amora ended her song with a strange spinning jump thing that Mel found adorable.

He couldn't help himself as he started to clap. "That was amazing, Amora." At the sound of Mel's cold voice, Amora jumped.

Her hand flew over her mouth and she stumbled over a pile of hay. "M-mel, what are you doing here?! Gosh! You scared the heck out of me!" Mel couldn't help but chuckle at Amora, spread out on hay.

Offering her his hand, Mel lifted Amora and gave her a smile that could melt her internal organs. "I was just tending to my horses, the better question is, what are you doing here, darling?" Mel was never a person who teased, but he was doing new things with Amora, and he kind of liked it.

Amora's eyes widened, she didn't want Mel to be angry with her for wandering around his property and for knocking down his hay. "U-um, I'm sorry! I was just singing and stuff, and somehow I ended up here!" Mel could tell that Amora was somewhat afraid, so he smiled.

"Angel," Mel paused. "I was just messing with you." Amora let out a relieved laugh, she was quite sure that Mel was going to be angry. "You know what, since you're in here with the horses, why don't I introduce you to them?"

Amora smiled nervously, she didn't really get on well with horses, but for Mel, she'd learn to fair. "Okay!"

Mel led Amora to his horses, introducing her to Perrie, his dark brown Mustang horse.

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