Bonus Chapter: Amora's Pregnancies

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There You Are • ZAYN

"Only you know me the way you know me
Only you forgive me when I'm sorry
Even when I messed it up
There you are"

July 3, 2020

"Mrs. Bailey, I've got some good news and some bad news." Doctor Lee, the OBGYN said to Amora as she held a clipboard in her hands.

Amora's heart dropped and anxiety began to creep up as she gave the doctor a look to go on.

"Good news is that you're three weeks pregnant, they're very healthy and I can tell that you've been eating and sleeping right, which is excellent for the baby." Amora's heart skipped a beat at the exciting news, but she was still worried.

"The bad news is that we've come to realize that your body isn't physically strong enough to bear and deliver a child, it's an actual miracle that you were able to conceive your baby without your body rejecting them." Doctor Lee paused and took a look at Amora, and continued to speak.

"I will be keeping a very close eye on you during your pregnancy, so instead of doing monthly checkups, we will be doing weekly. One thing I would say, don't push it. At any time during this pregnancy, your body could give out, so please be mindful of that."

Amora sat in her seat just taking in all of the information. She was over the moon at the news of her pregnancy, but she had no idea how unfit her body was to have a baby. "T-thank you, Dr. Lee. U-um, could I please have a moment to myself, please?" Amora's voice shook as she spoke, and Doctor Lee felt empathy for the poor girl.

As Dr. Lee closed the door, Amora began to cry. She was so heartbroken by the news, of course, she was beyond thankful that she was able to conceive, but she knew that this baby would be the last child she'd be able to carry.

One thing Amora knew, was that she wasn't going to tell Mel about her health issues. He would worry too much.

October 2, 2024

"Angelia, stop running, mommy is getting tired. I can't keep up with you." Amora took a breath and sat on the couch as she held her hand over her chest.

She had been feeling more fatigued, and easy tasks like cooking were becoming too much for her body to handle.

Mel noticed Amora lied out on the couch, her body in a spastic form, as he came in the house from tending the livestock. Dropping everything in his hands, Mel rushed up to Amora and took her hands. Firmly, yet gently Mel shook her hands and waited for her to come to consciousness.

"Amora," Mel said in a panicking tone, he had never seen her look so weak. "Baby, wake up for me," Mel continued to lightly shake Amora, but he noticed that it wasn't working, panic struck his heart.

"Angelia, go grab your backpack and put your shoes on." Mel didn't want Angelia to know how panicked he was. As Angelia went to get her stuff, Mel called the paramedics.

His heart was grieved at the sight of Amora looking helpless.

The paramedics arrived and Mel stood aside concealing his emotions, as he held Angelia in his arms.

The ride to the hospital was desolate as Mel and Angelia rode in silence, and while Angelia had no idea what was going on, she knew that her daddy was sad and that her mommy was sleeping.


"Where is my wife?" Mel asked in a frantic mood as he rushed into the hospital lobby.

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