Chapter SEVEN

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Da'viyah Skylar Jones


My alarm woke me up for school. I hopped up brushed my teeth,showered and took care of my hygiene.

I didn't feel like putting on any makeup today, I just felt like if I was to put on makeup I would've been running late today.

I already didn't go to school yesterday.

I got dressed and grabbed my phone and other things I needed for school .

As I was walking to the door to leave I saw my dad. He smiled at me and i left the house .

I stopped by the store to get some food before coming to school.

When I got there people was staring in my face which was nothing new . I sighed only one more month and I'll be done with school .

I went to find Cam and Ray, by the time I found them the bell had rung indicating it was time to go to class .

First class I had was English and I hated being late to Ms.Davis class so I quickened my pace to get there.

I get out of school at 12 since I already took most of the classes that I needed to take .


As I was sitting in class doing my work my phone vibrated in my back pocket. I pulled it out to see who texted me and it was only Money asking could he come over after school.

I replied sure and locked my phone up . I didn't have anything to do after school today anyway.

*12 * after school

I walked home from school . When I got there my mom and dad were sitting down on the couch looking like they both had something to say but decided against it .

"Come here baby let us talk to you"

I went to the couch to sit and listen to what they have to say .

They look at each other then at me and say "we're leaving" .

They both had the look of guilt on their faces and idk why.

I couldn't even be mad because it's not like I don't take care of myself anyway. If they wanted to leave they can go , fuck them.

Better never ask me for shit . I went to the room and slammed my door . I heard them leave so I got in the shower.

When I got out I seen that Money texted and said he was on the way.

I quickly put my clothes on and turned on the TV to watch Chicago P.D.

I heard a knock on the door but to my surprise it wasn't Money, it was Nasir.

I had to find a way to get rid of him before Money got here .

"What do you want Nasir ?" I said rolling my eyes.
"If you let me take you on a date this weekend I'll leave you alone"
🙄"Okay fine . What time should I be ready?"
"Saturday at 8"
"Bye Nasir"

He left and I locked the door again.
As I was heading to my room I heard another knock on the door. Hopefully this time its Money.

I opened the door and let him in locking the door behind him.
He followed me to my room and got comfortable in my bed .

"Well hello to you too"
"My bad, wassup girl" he got off the bed to give me a hug and kissed my cheek .

For the rest of the day we just chilled and watched TV.

I was falling asleep but his phone kept ringing so I tapped him so he could answer the phone.

Whoever it was, the conversation had to be serious because he left out the room as they began talking.

I rolled my eyes and rolled over to go to sleep ..


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