Chapter 24 - A Golden Egg

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A tent had been made up for her and she didn't hesitate to enter it. She lowered the flaps of the tent and took out the golden egg. If she remembered correctly, demon beast eggs needed spiritual energy in order to help it hatch. She held it in her lap and placed two hands on it. Almost immediately she felt the egg draining her spiritual energy like a hungry baby. Even after half an hour it was still draining her energy. No wonder that damn golden fire bird made her take make an oath. It's going to take all of her energy and more to even hatch the egg. She might as well trade her life along with many others.

"Wait a second! That life crystal!" she thought and she pulled out the life crystal. The life crystal itself was like the fire bird. She simply had to absorb the essence of the life crystal and then let the egg absorb the essence from her. She was just about to do when she remembered what the fire bird said. When the egg hatches, the baby fire bird was going to need the life crystal to help it hide its aura. Sighing heavily, she tossed the life crystal back into her pouch and frowned at the egg.

"For an egg, you have quite the appetite. I'm scared I'll die before you could even hatch, little ball," she muttered. As soon as she spoke, she felt that the egg had suddenly stopped draining. Could it hear what she had said? Kairi smiled at the egg as if it was her baby.

"Little ball, don't you worry. I promise I will never let you starve," she said. Her thoughts drifted to her past life where she struggled as a child. She was always hungry as her parents were barely around to find food for her. She wasn't going to let that happen to the orphan fire bird. She patted the egg like a child and gently place it back into her pouch. Kairi then held her sword close to her chest for defense and soon fell asleep.

The next day was quiet and peaceful as Feng Jiu had been drugged the night before. The guards looked happier than they did since the journey first started. Even Zhang Sheng was returning to his talkative self.

"Shizhi, are you sure you didn't give Miss Feng Jiu too much sleeping weed? You used my name to get her to take it, didn't you? You know I'll have to take responsibility should anything happen."

"If you're so worried, why don't you ride with Second Sister until she wakes up?" Kairi suggested feeling annoyed all of a sudden. She ignored his pouting and pulled out her egg.

"You're so not cute today," he groaned but his teasing disappeared the moment his eyes fell upon the egg. Kairi felt worried when he went quiet. She wondered if he was also thinking about coveting the egg. She looked up and found that there were no trace of greed in his eyes, instead, he looked rather worried.

"You really are a troublesome girl. It's going to get even more dangerous if anyone found out about that egg."

"That's why I'm trying to hatch it as fast as I can," Kairi replied. She placed her palm on top of the egg and felt her energy drain little by little. Yesterday, the egg had been so eager to eat up all her energy but toady it merely touched her energy as if it was trying to be considerate. Kairi couldn't help but smile at the egg. She patted it gently as if it was her own baby.

"Don't worry, little ball. I won't let you starve. Eat up today," she assured it. As if the egg heard her, she felt her energy drained a bit faster. Zhang Sheng saw the strange phenomenon and couldn't help but chuckle.

"High level demon beasts tend to be hard to tame yet your demon beast egg is extremely submissive. Are you sure it's the egg of a golden fire bird?" he asked. The egg in Kairi's hands suddenly lurched up and flew at Zhang Sheng like a bullet. He barely dodged it as the egg flew back and attempted to strike at him again. Kairi stared at the egg in surprise. She knew that the egg had already gained intelligence to understand the human language but she didn't think it could attack too but then again Zhang Sheng has always had quite the mouth.

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