Chapter 33 - Warning

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The restriction was lifted on Kairi. She was allowed to go anywhere she wanted as long as it was within Zhang Sheng's Palace. There was no point in hiding the fact that she was in the palace since Wan Yi already knew. As soon as the news about her staying in the small courtyard on the west side of the palace spread, multiple women from Zhang Sheng's harem rushed over. It was like a scene from a movie. The jealous women of the prince was out to bully the one girl who seemed to be favored by the crown prince.

"So you're Lady Xiao You. Must be nice to have your own courtyard and so close to the Crown Prince's quarters," sneered one of the woman. Kairi cocked an eyebrow in her direction. She had been reading under a peach tree when the hoard of women rushed into her courtyard. It was news to her that her courtyard was so close to Zhang Sheng's quarters.

"Yes, it's very nice living as a prisoner all this time," Kairi said sarcastically as she turned her attention back onto her book. The seven women eyed each other feeling mocked and annoyed.
"It's no wonder she was locked away here. A commoner with no manners whatsoever," hissed another lady. From the group appeared Feng Jiu.

"She never had much manners to start with. If I didn't know any better, I would've thought she was picked up from the street like a rat," Feng Jiu said. All the women laughed mockingly at Kairi. Feng Jiu's words struck a nerve and Kairi suddenly wanted to laugh too. She lowered her book and shot a look at Feng Jiu. She smiled politely and said, "Second sister, if I remember correctly, aren't you and your mother the ones who were picked off of the street? Did you suddenly forget because you lived in the palace for too long?"

"You! How dare you? You were abandoned by the Crown Prince until recently so I wouldn't be so cocky!" Feng Jiu snapped. It's true that Zhang Sheng ignored her for an entire month and he still was avoiding her but she wasn't going to let Feng Jiu talk her down.

"Yet I'm living so close to the Crown Prince's quarters. How would you even know if he came to visit me every night?" Kairi asked. She smirked at the women and before any of them could throw a fit, the servants' voice rang out.

"Announcing, his highness, the second prince, Wan Yi," the voice boomed. All the women gasped as they all lined up to greet Wan Yi. Kairi was especially surprised. How was Wan Yi able to come to Zhang Sheng's Palace? She got up to line up with the women and bowed politely as Wan Yi entered the courtyard. His eyes scanned the area until it landed on her.

"Did I come at a bad time?" Wan Yi asked. Kairi bowed politely and asked, "What brings his highness to my courtyard?"

"I came to visit my partner in crime but what is this? Is my partner in crime being taken advantage of by my dear brother's harem?" he asked. His sharp glare was enough to scare even a baby. All of the women dropped to their knees.

"Forgive us, your highness," they all exclaimed.

"Leave this courtyard while I'm still in a good mood," he said icily. One by one, the women fled the courtyard in a hurry until there was no one left but Kairi and Wan Yi. Even the servants refused to stay in the courtyard.

"Would you like some tea?" Kairi asked trying to break the awkwardness.

"I would love some," he replied happily. He strolled over as if he hadn't just threatened the entire courtyard. He took a seat in front of Kairi and waited patiently for Kairi to pour him a cup.

"May I ask why your highness has visited me?" Kairi asked.

"I was bored," he simply replied as he sipped on his tea. His brows lifted as he looked down at the tea. "Did you brew this tea? It tastes very refreshing."

"Does the Crown Prince know you're here?" she asked. He shot her a look and continued sipping at his tea.

"I would much prefer if we didn't bring my brother into the conversation," he suggested. The sharp gaze he gave her sent shivers down her spine.

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