Chapter 32 - Encountering the 2nd Prince

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If Kairi had to pick one of the worst places to live, it was definitely the palace. There were so many rules and regulations that she was unable to keep up with them.

"Lady Xiao You, you mustn't slouch."

"Walk properly."

"You've written this incorrectly."

"Lady Xiao You."

"Lady Xiao You."

"ENOUGH!" Kairi screamed. It had been nearly a month since she started to live in the palace and she's seen nothing but the walls that bordered her quarters and the small courtyard. A person would have gone insane by now. She wasn't Zhang Sheng's guest. She was his prisoner.

"Please, Lady Xiao You. His highness has ordered you not to leave your quarters," the head maid exclaimed as Kairi started for the exit. She came to a stop at the mention of Zhang Sheng.

"Where is he? I need to talk to him. He can't keep me locked up like this forever," Kairi cried.

"His highness is currently in a meeting with the council. If you have anything to tell him, this servant will relay your message for you," she said with a deep bow. Suddenly remembering a better way to get in contact with Zhang Sheng, she stormed into her room and dug into her chest of jewelries that had gone untouched since she first arrived. The jade hairpin had been thrown in there along with the untouched jewelries. Yanking out the jade hairpin, she held it harshly in her hand and felt a warmth coming from it.

"Hey, you womanizing prick! When I agreed to come to the palace here, I didn't agree to become your prisoner! Do you hear me? You have an hour to tell the servants to let me out of this place or else all hell will break loose!" she shouted angrily. Silence. "You don't want to answer? Fine. It's not like those servants can hold me back anyway."

She stuck the hairpin into her hair so that Zhang Sheng would be able to hear what she was about to do next and stormed back outside where the servants were all lined up.

"Please, Lady Xiao You. If his highness knew you abandoned your lessons..." the maid trailed off when she saw the look on Kairi's face.

"If that womanizing prince ever shows up, you can tell him to suck it!" Kairi spat. The servants either gasped or dropped their jaw in utter shock. They had never heard anyone call their crown prince names before. Kairi touched her thumb and forefinger together. She brought it to her lips and whistled loudly. She didn't know where her sword had been hidden but no matter where it was, she knew that it would come when she called it. Within seconds, her sword came zooming out from the sky. It shot down like a speeding bullet and pierced itself into the ground in front of the servants. The force of the sword hitting the ground sent out a whiplash. Servants went flying but Kairi stood her ground. Her garment and hair simply swayed from the whiplash. With a lighter whistle, the sword jumped out of the ground and lay horizontally in front of her. She jumped on top of it and zoomed off into the sky.

"Free at last!" she thought as she left the palace grounds. Xiao Huo, who was now the size of a basketball, came out her pouch and flew alongside her. It chirped excitedly next to her. "That's right, Xiao Huo. We're finally free."

The palace was behind them and she was slowly approaching a forest. She didn't make it far when she slammed face first into an invisible barrier. She fell off her sword and tumbled into the tree branches. Hitting branch after branch she managed to break her fall and landed on something soft.

"Ow..." she cried as she tried to push herself up. Xiao Huo was flying around above her chirping like crazy.

"Well, well, well. What is this? Did a fairy fall from the trees?" came a deep yet gentle voice. Kairi's entire body froze up. She couldn't have possibly landed on someone, could she? Her head slowly titled up and she came face to face with one of the most gorgeous faces ever. Soft jawline, beautiful dark eyes, and skin smooth as pearl. This man was extremely beautiful.

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