Chapter 47-Can't Compare

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Once she calmed down, Zhang Sheng and Feng Jiang got into a spat about where Kairi should live.

"Xiao Xiao is coming home with me!" Feng Jiang shouted.
"Kairi will eventually be my wife. She's staying here with me, her husband," Zhang Sheng said arrogantly.

"Yea! Boss is Master's husband! You can't take Master away from Boss!" Xiao Huo spat. It was two against one and each time Kairi tried to intervene all three men would tell her to stay out of it. When it seemed like there would be no solution, Wei Xing finally spoke up.

"My disciple will not be marrying anyone without my consent," Wei Xing said sternly. He eyed Zhang Sheng who instantly snapped his mouth shut. Wei Xing's eyes then traveled over to Xiao Huo who lowered his gaze.

"Xiao Huo, as a demon beast, you failed miserably to protect your master. Shouldn't you be out on the training pad?" Wei Xing's voice was calm but Kairi could hear the venom seeping from every word. Xiao Huo chuckled nervously and side glanced Zhang Sheng.
"Boss, you're on your own," he said and quickly escaped Wei Xing's laser stare. Kairi wanted to laugh. Xiao Huo wasn't a phoenix at all. He was a complete chicken. She didn't know what Wei Xing had done to Xiao Huo but she knew it must've been scary enough to send him flying out the door with a few simple words. She was sure that no one in this world would go against her master as he was the strongest existence in the room.

"Young Master Feng, Lan Manor is still in the middle of construction and we have yet to capture the leader of the Evil Cult Sect. I suggest Kairi staying here for the time being. After hearing about the situation at Lan Manor, it's also best if you send your sister here," Wei Xing suggested. Feng Jiang cupped his hands together and agreed with him.

"Of course. That is a wise decision," Feng Jiang said and then went to grab Kairi by the hand. "Xiao Xiao, Gege has traveled a far distance. I'll stay here to make sure you're alright before I head back to Lan Manor."

Wei Xing suddenly cleared his throat loudly and Kairi suddenly felt like him staying was a horrible idea. Could it be that her master was just as possessive of her as Zhang Sheng was?

Wei Xing's eye twitched while Zhang Sheng shot daggers with his eyes. Feng Jiang was completely oblivious to their threatening aura or he simply didn't care.

"Husband, if Young Master Feng would like to spend a few days here, then we should graciously accept," Mei Er said suddenly. She entered the room with a few female disciples. Wei Xing's threatening aura disappeared instantly.

Kairi was wrong. Her master wasn't the strongest existence. It was Mei Er.

He cleared his throat again and ushered for Kairi to come forward.

"The mark on your forehead is clearly that of the Goddess," he said suddenly. Kairi's hand shot up to her forehead.


Zhang Sheng took up her side and intertwined his hand with hers.

"The prophecy stated that when one becomes two, she who bears the mark of the Goddess of Eden, will marry the prince who becomes king and bring prosperity to the kingdom and the prince who falls in love with her, will never become king. I never thought it could mean that there would be two girls of destiny," he stated.

"Two? You're saying I have the same mark as Xiao You?" Kairi cried. She couldn't believe it. There was no way. Did her soul entering Xiao You mess things up?

"Da Shi Xiong, what do you think about this?" Zhang Sheng asked. Wei Xing stroke his chin calmly before he answered.
"My theory is that after Kairi's soul entered and separated from Xiao You's body, she somehow ended up sharing her fate," Wei Xing suggested. Kairi then remembered the Goddess's words again.

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