Chapter 37 - Truth Behind the Seal

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The conversation with Zhang Sheng ended in a disaster as he refused to do neither. He wouldn't let Kairi return to Lan Manor nor would he let her send herself to Wan Yi. In the end, he told her to cool her head until he comes back to check up on her. He then stormed out of the room without another word.

"Xiao Er, you've really angered his highness. I've never seen him this angry before," General Feng said. Kairi grabbed her father by the hand and squeezed it hard.

"I'm sorry, Father. I'm unfilial. I know you're probably disappointed," she said. General Feng could only sigh as he sat next to her. He wrapped a tight arm around her shoulders and patted her head like a child.
"My child, I'm sorry to put you through one misery after another. I've failed you as a father," he said sadly. Kairi shook her head. It wasn't his fault at all. If there was anyone to blame, it was all the goddess's fault.

When Kairi fell unconscious, her soul struggled to free herself from Xiao You's body and ended up traveling in limbo for a split second. The only problem was, that split second was enough for her meet the real reason why she had ended up in Xiao You's body in the first place: the Goddess of Eden.

Upon entering the limbo world, Kairi came upon a holy being who addressed herself as the Goddess. She was an ethereal being. Her radiance shown and the darkness disappeared almost instantly. Just being in her grace soothed Kairi's soul and she felt content.

"Were you the one who brought me here?" she asked the Goddess.



As it turned out, Xiao You was a direct descendant of the Goddess. She was supposed to grow and flourish. She was supposed to marry the second prince Wan Yi, who was truly a kind and just prince. Xiao You was supposed to bring peace to both brothers. Wan Yi was supposed to inherit the throne and Zhang Sheng was supposed to become a renowned sect leader. Eventually both brothers were supposed to bring peace upon the world once war broke out between humans and demons but because something had interrupted Xiao You's fate, the Goddess tried to pull Kairi, whose soul was a direct descendant of the Goddess into the world to fix the broken fate. Unfortunately, when her body entered the rift of space, she ended up getting her soul ripped away from her body and with no alternatives to survive, she entered Xiao You's body whose body closely resembled hers.

"So, you're saying, I was simply brought here to fix the fate of the fated one?" Kairi asked incredulously.

"Yes," came the reply.

She wanted to laugh. Could her life be any more miserable? She had grown up with parents who couldn't care less about her. She was quickly abandoned and had to fend for herself. She grew up alone and afraid yet she struggled on. In the end, she was thrust out of her own body because someone had screwed up the fate of the girl of destiny. So her life in this world was meant to be simply be stepping stone for Xiao You. Once her purpose has been served, she would disappear to who knows where.

"I struggled and suffered all for what? Just so that your girl of destiny could rise up to power and I will eventually disappear? You're the Goddess, aren't you? How dare you pull me away from my home and shove me into an unfamiliar world just so your girl of destiny could live? What about me? What about my life?!"

"I'm sorry." The Goddess's face looked unchanging but her eyes showed pity.

"I don't need your pity! Return me to my world!" Kairi demanded.
"I... cannot."


"I spent most of my spiritual energy to bring you into this world. My powers are dwindling as we speak. I'm afraid it's impossible to send you back."

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