Chapter 2: "It Has Begun"

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(Chapter 2)
"It Has Begun"

Thursday, February 12th

"Well couldn't it have been Darren? You did ask him out for Valentine's Day," Shae offered.

"I don't know... he doesn't seem like the kind of person who'd do this," Jillian replied.

"Well then you can just ask him."

"But what if it isn't him?"

"Well if it is him... wouldn't he bring it up himself and then you'd know for sure?"

"If he was going to do that, why wouldn't he just sign his name?"

"Well... we shouldn't rule him out anyway."

Later, when Jillian arrived home from school, Luke greeted her.

"Hey, Jill."

"Hey Luke, what's up?"

Jesse came into the living room from the kitchen.
"Oh, hey Jill. How're you?"

"Hey, Jess."

"What's wrong? Something happened, I can see it in your face," Jesse questioned.

"How can you tell?"

"Your face is like an open book. What happened?"

"I got this weird anonymous note in my locker today," Jillian explained.

"Was it something bad?"

Jillian handed Jesse the note.

"I think it's sweet!" Jesse responded.

"I think it's creepy."

"How is it creepy?"

"Who leaves anonymous love notes in people's lockers?!"

"Chill out; maybe the person is trying to be cute. Or they're too shy to approach you and they're just trying to get your attention."

"Still... it sounds kind of stalker-ish. I just have an off feeling about this."

"I think you should take it as a compliment."

"I'm just going to go to my room."

Jillian shut her bedroom door behind her and let out a breath.

It hope this thing will just blow over.

Friday, February 13th

At school, Shae caught up with Jillian at her locker.

"Hey, Jill."


"How're you feeling?"


"Are you sure? I can tell when you're lying."

"No, really I'm fine," Jillian reassured.
"I have to get to class, though."

"I'm sorry, but I have to ask, what's going on with the love note? Did anyone say anything?"

"No... It doesn't matter, anyway. If the person doesn't reveal themselves, then I might as well just forget this ever happened."

"If you say so," Shae shrugged.

"Alright, I'll see you later. I have biology now."

"That's your last class?"

"Yeah, I'll meet you back here after."

"Say 'hi' to Darren for me," Shae winked at her.

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