Chapter 6: "Antigravity"

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(Chapter 6)

Tuesday, February 17

When Jillian read the note, her body went numb, she couldn't move, couldn't feel her legs, couldn't find the strength to walk inside.

Jesse opened the front door and saw Jillian just standing motionless.

"Jillian? ... Jillian, what's wrong, what happened?... Jillian say something... JILLIAN!"

"Oh, for fucks sake," Jesse took the note from Jillian's hands and read it.


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"Okay... um... come on, get inside."
Jesse ushered Jillian through the door into the house

When inside the house, Jesse tried again to get through to Jillian.

"Jillian? Jillian!"

Jillian swallowed hard, trying to find her voice.

Jesse sighed.
"Jillian, it's just a stupid note, talk to me."

"What the fuck is that?!" Jillian managed to cry out.

"I don't know..." Jesse said, unsure.

Luke came into the room.
"Jesse? What's wrong?"

"Jillian got another note," she told him.

"It was taped to the door," Jillian added.

"The door?" Jesse asked.

"You didn't see a note when you came in?" Luke asked her.

Jesse thought for a moment.
"I don't think so..."

"Well, you never notice anything. What did it say this time?"

Jesse handed Luke the note.

"Okay, that's creepy," he commented.

"Yeah, I'll admit, these are getting weird," Jesse agreed.

"It kind of sounds threatening."

"I don't know... did you see anyone come to the door?"


"You didn't hear anything?"


"Cameron! Cameron lives next door, maybe he saw someone," Jesse offered.

"Cameron hasn't been home all night. He must have gone somewhere after school because his car hasn't gotten back since this morning," Luke explained.

"How do you know?"

"After the mailbox letter you told me to check outside periodically; I just noticed."

"Then how did you not notice someone at the door?"

"I checked occasionally! I wasn't going to stare out the window the whole day like a neighbourhood creeper. Whoever did it must have been quiet."

"I don't like this. These notes are really starting to spook her, especially because they keep appearing at the house."

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