Chapter 11: "Marchin On"

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(Chapter 11)
"Marchin On"

Monday, January 7th

"Hey, Darren," Roland greeted him in their math classroom.

"Hey, Roland."

"Hey, Darren," Rachel joined them.


"How was your break overall?" Rachel asked.

"Honestly, it was great. It was the first time Jillian and I spent the holidays together."

"I always dread having to spend the holidays with my family."

"Why?" Roland asked her.

"Honestly, they're obnoxious. And I just don't really fit in with anyone."

"Yeah, I know about being the black sheep in the family, too."

"Jillian and I have a pretty small family," Darren explained.

"Honestly that's ideal, really," Rachel shrugged.

"Where's Monica?" Darren asked.

"She's sitting by herself over there."

"Is she still depressed about Julia?" Roland questioned.

"I don't know, I'm not that close with her."

"I think she should just move on like the rest of us have."

"Hey everyone, im happy to have you all back from break. We're moving on to second level math so we need to jump right in," James Andrews announced.


"Hey guys, I know second level astronomy is a pretty small class but we still have a lot to go through," Patrick Matthews addressed.

I actually missed this class.

"Shae!" Brielle called her over in their English class.

"Hey, Brielle! Hi, Jason."

"Hey," Jason replied.

"How was your break?" Brielle asked.

"I spent all my time with Jackson, getting to know each other's families. It was our first holiday together, and things have been getting serious between us."

"Hey, guys," Sarah joined them.

"Hey, Sarah."

"It's kind of good to be back, right?"

"I'm happy we're moving onto more advanced material," Jason said.

"Actually, I am too," Brielle agreed.

Jason excused himself to go talk to Cody.

"How're you doing Sarah?" Shae asked her.

"I'm great!"

"You and Emma doing well?" Brielle asked.

"Yes, thankfully. We've been really happy."

"It's about time."

Sarah laughed.

"Hey, everyone! We're moving on to advanced literature, yay!" Robin Jenson cheered.


"Hey baby," Shae joined Jackson in their history class.

"Hey," Jackson kissed Shae's cheek.

"Hey, Shae," Lamar greeted.

"Hi, Lamar."

"Shae!" Emma came to her side.


They both hugged.

"How was your break?" Shae asked.

"Actually, it was really nice. But, honestly I missed this class."

"I did, too."

"Alright, let's get started," Derek Turner addressed.

"Hey, Daniella," Jillian sat down next to her in their creative writing class.

"Oh hey, there you are."

"How're you doing?"

"Not bad actually, I'm a little glad to be back here."

Jillian glanced past her to see Alex sitting alone.

"He looks kind of sad."

"He's been like that since I got here," Daniella shrugged.

"Honestly, I don't even know what to say to him."

"I don't know either."

"I'm glad Monica at least apologised at the party."

"I'm surprised she did that."

"I was, too."

"Maybe she only did it to keep the peace."

"Yeah, maybe. Do you actually think he's guilty of anything?"

"I don't even want to think about it, but we still have no idea what went down at that party."

"Yeah. I'm just glad everyone's moved on from it."

"Yeah, I mean nothing bad has happened since."

"Hi, guys. I hope you're all happy to be back," Kimberly McKay walked in.

"Hey, Sirius," Darren welcomed her when she got back home.

"Hey," she smiled.

Darren gave her a kiss.
"How was your first day back?"

"It was alright, just the same shit really."

"The years only going to get better from here."

"I really hope so."

Friday, January 11th

Little do the girls know, outside dorm 213, someone is watching them through the window.


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