Chapter 26: "Dark On Me"

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(Chapter 26)
"Dark On Me"

Wednesday, March 25

"Is she upstairs?" Darren asked Jesse.

"She is," Jesse answered.

"It's been a week and she still won't talk to me, she won't even look at me."

"How're you doing?" Jesse tried to change the subject.

"I'm fine except for the fact that my girlfriend wants nothing to do with me."

"Darren, I wish I could help..."

"How could she do this to me?"

"Darren, you have to know how much she loves you-"

"Then why-"

"Let me finish! She cares way more about your safety than her own. She was an absolute hysterical mess last week, she can't stand to see you hurt especially when she thinks it was her fault. She's not going to risk putting you in danger again until we figure out whatever happened."

"If she really loved me, she wouldn't shut me out like this," he argued.

"Don't say that, she loves you more than anything, that's why she thinks she's doing the right thing, not that I think she is. The best thing she thinks she can do now is keep her distance, and make whoever that guy was think he won."

"If he hurt me, he's going to hurt her too, I need to be there for her."

"She doesn't care if she's at risk as long as you're safe."

"I can't believe how stubborn she's being about this."

"It's... just the way she is. It's the way anyone would be if they really loved someone."

"When we were in school the other day, I tried to get near her to talk. She nearly screamed at me to go away."


"No, I need to talk to her. Now."

"Jillian!" Jesse called.

She sighed.
"You know what, just go upstairs, she's not going to come down."


"Jillian," Darren let himself into her bedroom.

Jillian jumped up.
"What are you doing here?"

"What do you think I'm doing here?" He responded coldly.

"Darren, I can't talk about this-"

"Then listen! How could you do this to me?! I love you Jillian, I told you I'm not going anywhere, that we're in this together, that nothing is going to separate us, and you shut me out anyway. How could you abandon me on the hospital bed when I needed you most?! You're selfish! You think you're doing this for me but you're just doing it for you, to make you feel better!" He ranted.

"You think I feel good about this?! I'm doing it for you! I need to keep you safe!"

"Bullshit! We're both adults here, Jillian. I can take care of myself."

"You got attacked twice! Because of me!"

"Do I look like I fucking care?!"


"No! Stop! Why do you even bother being with me if this is how you act when things get tough. I need to protect you-"

"No, I need to protect you!"

"Shutting me out and breaking my heart isn't protecting me Jillian. I need you."

"I..." Jillian stammered. "Darren, I'm sorry."

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