Chapter 16: "Everybody Loves Me"

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(Chapter 16)
"Everybody Loves Me"

Thursday, February 28th

"So you set a date!" Shae exclaimed.

"We did! Last night," Jillian told her.

"YES!" Shae cheered.

Shae hugged Jillian tight.
"I'm going to be a maid of honour!!"

Jillian laughed.

"So, you two just wanted to drop by?" Darren asked.

"Actually, no. There's a party in deChant going on tonight," Jackson explained.

"And we didn't want to go," Shae added.

"I don't blame you," Darren said.

"Yeah, absolutely. I'm glad you're here with us," Jillian agreed. "Wait... did all the other girls go?"

"Yeah... they did. But, they're going to keep a close eye on each other, we shouldn't have to worry," Shae told her.

"Alright," Jillian felt uneasy.

"So, what do you feel like doing?"

"Uh, I don't know, but we should go out somewhere."

"What about a movie?" Jackson suggested.

"I'd be up for that," Shae replied.

"Yeah, sure," Jillian nodded.

"If we leave in a few minutes we can make an 8:30 showing," Darren said.

"Yeah, let's go!" Shae urged.

At the movie theatre, the four of them were talking in the lobby.

"What do you all feel like seeing?" Shae asked.

"Definitely something scary," Darren answered.

Jackson noticed Shae wince.
"She's scared of everything."

"I am not!" Shae defended.

"You can hide behind Jackson if you get scared," Darren told her.

"Oh, she does," Jackson said.

"Okay, what about a romcom?" Shae shrugged.

"Ew," Darren replied.

Jackson laughed.

"Jillian, which would you rather see?" Shae asked.

"Horror," she smiled.

"That's my girl! Let's go," Darren took Jillian's hand.

The four of them left for the theatre.



Jackson, Shae, Jillian, and Darren all got to Shae's dorm hallway at the same time the other girls got back.

"Oh, hey! You guys are back early," Shae said.

"New campus rule, all parties have to end by 11:00pm," Brielle explained.

"Honestly, it's a good rule," Emma shrugged.

"Boring," Brielle rolled her eyes.

Brielle walked towards their dorm room.

"Wait... someone's missing," Jillian noticed.

"Yeah, where's-" Shae started.

Shae was interrupted by Brielle's scream.


Everyone ran up to Brielle and looked past her into her dorm room.

Emma screamed.

"Oh, my god..." Jillian gasped.


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