Chapter 12: "Stranger"

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(Chapter 12)

Tuesday, February 24

"Jesse?!" Jillian called.

She and Shae burst through the front door of her house.

"Hey, you're here," Jesse came to them.

"You got the Admirer on tape?"

"Yeah, come on, I'll show you the video."

Jesse led them both to the den and turned on the TV.

"The camera for this at like 1am," Jesse played the footage.

"Oh, my god."

Jillian watched the video from the camera.

It showed her room, at night, empty.
Then suddenly the window is opened from the outside by a man dressed head-to-toe in black with a skull mask over his head.
He then slipped into the room through the window and sat on the bed for a couple minutes.
Then he stood up, gave the camera a wave, placed a letter on the pillow, then snuck back out through the window and vanished.

"That's it? That doesn't show anything," Jillian said, aggravated.

"I know," Jesse sighed. "And he obviously noticed the camera."

"Wait... the note. Did you look at the note?"


Jillian ran up to her bedroom and grabbed the note off the pillow.

"What's it say?" Jesse asked.

"Here," Jillian handed her the note. "This guy's going down swinging."

"He obviously knows we're on to him and he's digging his heels in even more," Jillian ranted

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"He obviously knows we're on to him and he's digging his heels in even more," Jillian ranted.

"Maybe you could just kiss every guy you see?" Shae proposed.

"Are you kidding?"

"Do you have a better plan?"

"Actually... I think I do."


Jesse paced Jillian's bedroom back and forth.

"I hate this plan. I hate it so much," she protested.

"Too bad, this is happening," Jillian told her.

"I kind of agree with Jesse," Shae had an obvious look of worry on her face.

"I don't care. This has gone on long enough."

"You're going to get hurt!" Jesse yelled at her.

"I'll be fine."

"Jill... are you sure?" Shae hesitated.

"Yes. I am."

"Then, I'm not leaving."

"Shae, no offense, but you're dead weight here."

"I don't care. I'm not leaving," Shae crossed her arms.

"I need to do this on my own. No one interferes until I give the signal. This is personal and I'm getting answers."

"What is he plays the bad guy?" Jesse challenged.

"He already is the bad guy."

"What if he doesn't come in?"

"If I'm sleeping in here he's not going to come in through my window. He'll break into a window downstairs and come up that way. So all you need to do is hide in Jesse's bedroom and don't come out until I say so. I mean it. You guys need to go now. Go!"

Shae and Jesse left to go to Jesse's bedroom.

Jillian shut her light and laid down on her bed on her left side under the covers.

She spent the next two hours in silent agony, lying perfectly still, not moving a muscle, but her eyes never closed.

Behind her, a man in a skull mask appeared in her window.

Some time later, Jillian heard footsteps behind her bedroom door.
She tried hard to keep her eyes shut as the door slowly opened.

The Admirer stepped inside.

He shut the door behind him and slowly crept towards the bed.
Then he just stood in silence.

When he had finally turned around, Jillian sprang up and shoved him against the door.
He quickly turned around to face her.

"Who are you?!"

The Admirer just stood there not saying anything.

When Jillian tried to punch him he easily blocked.

"Fuck this!"

Jillian reached for the Admirer's mask and he responded by shoving her against the wall with great force.

He held her tightly in place.

"What do you plan to do to me?"

Again he stared at her, not saying anything.

"You're a fucking coward!"

When Jillian tried to break free, the Admirer put a hand around her throat, the other hand still pinning her to the wall.

Jillian, with little strength, brought her knee into his groin.
When his grip loosened she punched him.
The Admirer threw her aside, opened the bedroom door, and ran out

Jillian quickly got to her feet.

"FUCK! ... JESSE!"

Jillian ran out of her room and Jesse joined her in the hallway.

"LUKE, DOWNSTAIRS!" Jesse yelled.

Luke ran out of their room and down the stairs.

But he was gone.

"DAMN IT!" Jillian screamed.

"Are you okay?"

"No! He got away!"

"We'll get him next time."

"He's not going to come back after that."

"Jillian, this guy isn't easily deterred. He's going to retaliate harder next time. Trust me, this isn't over."


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