Chapter 13: "Waking Up"

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(Chapter 13)
"Waking Up"

Saturday, January 12th

"SHAE? SHAE! SHAE?!" Jillian rushed quickly to her dorm.

"Jillian!" Shae called. 

Jillian ran and threw her arms around her holding her tight.
"Oh, thank god."

Jillian kept holding her tight against her and choked back tears.
"I thought..."

"I'm okay, but..."

Jillian let her go.
"What happened?!"

Shae had tears running down her face.

"Tell me!"

Shae opened her mouth but no sound came out.
She looked stunned, and terrified.
Jillian moved past her to look into her dorm room and Shae pulled her arm back.

"No, don't!"

But it was too late.
Jillian saw the horror past the door.
A girls lifeless body laid on the floor surrounded by blood.
Her clothes were ripped, her throat was slit, and the window had been broken into.

Jillian took a couple slow steps back.
"Oh, my god..."


"You two were her roommates?" Damien asked in the campus police office.

Emma and Shae slowly nodded their heads.

Damien looked at Jillian.
"And why are you here?"

"I'm here for Shae," she answered.

"She's my best friend. And she also saw the body," Shae told him.

"Where were the both of you?"

"I was staying down the hall for the night with Sarah," Emma told him.

"My boyfriend and I were out really late, so I got back around 5:30am, opened the door, and..." Shae explained.

"So, Rachel was sleeping alone last night?" Damien clarified.

"Yes," Shae said softly.

"How did someone get in? We always keep the door locked," Emma asked.

"The window was broken into. There are cameras in the hallways, but there aren't any cameras in the dorm rooms or outside the dorm rooms."

"So, you got nothing," Shae crossed her arms.

"Is this the same guy who killed Julia?" Emma questioned.

"Yes. Aside from the same MO, sexual assault, then cutting the throat, the DNA found on Rachel's body matches the one found on Julia's body."

"But, you still don't know whose DNA it is," Shae sneered.

"Again, the DNA came up with no match."

"So, this is hopeless. You're going to ask us all the exact same questions you asked after Julia got killed, you're going to conduct an investigation that goes nowhere while we wait and see who this guy chooses as his next victim."

Damien didn't say anything.

Shae threw her arms up.
"Why can't we involve the real police?"

"We are real police."

"No, you guys don't know what you're doing, there's a goddamn serial killer on campus, we need more help here. This is the second girl killed in a horrific way, you're not going to be able to keep it hidden from public knowledge anymore. Rachel has a big family, she had people who cared about her, and they're going to want to know what you're going to do about this besides sit there and shrug your shoulders."

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