Calm before a storm

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"Well that was dramatic as shit," Henry said as Peirce left the room. "Now things can get a little more normal."

"Normal is not a term I would use to describe what just happened," Lucifer said with a passive-aggressive undertone. He and Peirce would duke it out later, probably end the day in a screaming match in his private office, but things would be calm for now. "Have the team sent out for inspections. I want a new headcount on my desk by tonight."

Henry gave a harrumph and left the kitchen, Alice's blond head, and Kayla's box braids in tow. The room went back down to just Lucifer, Nya, and Will,  with Angel hiding god knows where.

"You lost a deal," Nya asked Lucifer, hearing about Collison for the first time. 

Lucifer closed his laptop and went to the coat rack for his suit jacket. "Nothings lost," he said as he pulled his arms through the sleeves. He gave a roguish smirk, "Because I don't lose."

"Very funny," Will commented, not looking up as he slid something in the oven, "deflect things with one-liners. Maybe Angel could teach you a few new ones."

"They're not one-liners if they're true," Lucifer replied, a little miffed by Will's tone. He'd had enough of people questioning him this morning. 

"Yeah," Nya said, pulling them away from another fight. "And besides, Lucifer's one-liners are much more professional than that," she smiled, pulling the lollipop out of her mouth. 

Lucifer smirked as he walked up to her and leaned down to kiss her forehead. "Watch it," he said, "or you'll have the whole household in the palm of your hand."

"I plan too," she replied and he smiled as he walked towards the garage door everyone was leaving through. 

"Don't leave the house today," Lucifer said to Will before he left, hardly looking at the soldier.

"Excuse me," the soldier hissed. 

"You were out all night," Lucy replied, "get some fucking sleep before you go tramping through the city. " 

"And when did you last sleep, Lucifer Victoria Helgrim," Will replied, using Lucy's full name, the way he always did when he was pissed. Really pissed.

Lucifer only laughed, a maniacal and terrifying thing as he exited. It would take God himself to force Lucifer into something that wasn't already his idea, and even then...

Will groaned, running a hand through his short brown hair. He had half a mind to hunt Lucifer down and drag him back, but Nya stopped him with a happy, "He'll be okay," before she rounded the island and gave Will a kiss on the cheek. 

"Lucifer's never just okay," he replied but he knew Lucy would be fine. 

They could take care of themselves. 

Nya laughed it off and gave him one last kiss before leaving the kitchen. She'd learn what Angel was up too, since Will was sure to stay home all day like Lucifer asked, and then decide what her plan was for the morning. 

Right as she was headed up the stairs she heard Will growl, "Who's gonna clear all these damn dishes," and she laughed.


Angel left at the same time that Lucifer had. He sent Nya a single short text message before disappearing from the property, and that left Nya and Will with the big empty house all to themselves. 

Nya decided that she would read through the report of her accident, maybe make a few calls to some people she worked with so they could figure out who was looking for her. She spent the morning reading lab reports on the cars, the crash... the body. 

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