Sometimes I just start fires then let them burn

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Some random events that occurred in the weeks after ...

"What are you doing," Lucifer asked one morning when he was in his office alone. He watches as Nya enters the room and shuts the door behind her. "Shouldn't you be with Will," Lucy presses on, a little surprised by his sudden companion. 

Nya does not answer him as she spins around the room and bubbles to his side of the desk. She's like a flurry of blues and lavender. Her oversized hoodie is all tie-dye pastels, matching her lavender tights that are overlapped with fluffy socks. This is perhaps the most color she's ever worn, and despite being the only girl in their family, her sense of feminine fashion is terrible. Nya's always been a wretch at dressing herself. 

She's a bit chaotic this morn-

"Fuck," Lucifer hisses as Nya throws herself over him in the desk chair. "What are you doing," he grumbles when her hands instantly drag up and down his stubble, light and feathery as she presses into him. 

"You need a shave," she declares out of nowhere then cards his dark curls. "But I like this length, it's cute." 

The devil clasps her in a threatening hold. "Call me cute again and I'll cut it real short."

"You are so mean."

"And you are in a strange mood," he leans towards her, scowling. "What do you want?" There's the slightest bit of distress to his voice. Like he's scared she's bringing bad news.

Nya considers his question for a moment. She's straddling him, her hands still capturing his face as her blue eyes stare through emerald green. Lucy's eyes narrow. "Nothing," she declares finally. "I just... just wanted to see you."

There is something sorrowful in her words though she is smiling brightly at him. She cards his hair again before black curls fall back over his eyes. She sounds like she's remembering all of this, every last detail, every last touch, in case she never sees any of it again.

"You will have plenty of time to see me," the demon declares forcefully when he hears that sadness in his love. "But I need to finish this work before I can leave, so find some other victim, my darling." He hates pushing her away.

Nya's fingers trace his sharp jaw before curling around his perky ears. "Let me stay," she begs and tilts her head till blond strands fall between them. "I won't distract." Another innocent smile. 

Too kind. You're too kind-

Lucifer likes to work alone. Likes his silence and his space... he likes Nya more. 

He forces a fake eye roll before flipping Nya in his lap. She curls between his legs with her back pressed to his chest. She is warm, so warm between his thighs. She melts against him and they remain silent as Lucifer goes back to work. 

He's quick to read records and graphs. He's impossibly fast atop his keyboard as he makes notes about the whereabouts of his many subordinates. The Helgrim Empire is massive and webbed. He reviews the many reports on their businesses, on their whereabouts of spies and secondary gangs or groups. Lucy's mind works like a computer, gathering information endlessly, recalling facts and figures within tenths of a second.

Lucifer loves his work. He loves losing himself sometimes. 

Lucifer almost forgets that he has an audience, after sitting silently for so long, but then Nya starts to trace little circles on his muscular thigh. Lucy refuses to fidget but he bites down on his mouth as she muzzles against him. Nya doesn't even realize she's doing it- doesn't realize she's distracting him. She's so soft...

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