What do you do with a broken racehorse?

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Lucifer Victoria Helgrim watches as a massive black car comes barreling down the runway. He smells the rain. He listens to his crew yelling orders, pulling the triggers of their guns until the dark car is decorated in glass and blood. He feels hands on him, hands pulling him towards his own car, pulling him down out of the line of fire. 

But it doesn't matter, not really, not as the black SUV rampages towards William Obidi Reed.

Lucifer's not allowed to play hero, they've all made that very clear, but apparently Will is

That's exactly what Will does as he stops midway between Lucy and the plane, and makes eye contact with Lucifer Helgrim in the light afternoon drizzle. It smells like rain, it smells like gunpowder, like iron and war and-

Don't. Lucifer thinks as he realizes what his best friend is about to do. Do not do this you hulking motherfuck- don't you dare. 

Will, even from the great distance between them, doesn't look alarmed. The soldier doesn't look scared or angry or wild- he looks sad... He looks like he wants to say goodbye, but if he does this, Lucifer will never forgive him. 

That's okay though. They are not the kind of people who ask forgiveness. Family doesn't apologize. 

So Lucifer watches, unaware of who or what is around him, as he witnesses the great feat of William Reed. 


Will runs back towards the plane but there will be no time to find cover. He decides to face the car head-on then, pulling his pistol from his backside and shooting at the car's windshield. Perhaps the car slows ever so slightly, but not before it jerks and spins across the wet ground, nearly knocking into Will if the soldier hadn't lept out of the way. 

This is all very fast, this is all very difficult to take in-

But not as difficult as what happens next. 

Out of the car comes a blood-covered Blair Westwood sporting the height of this season's fashion accessory: a bomber vest. The vest, and the detonator in Blair's left hand, make Will hesitate before shooting his gun. 

Dammit. Dammit, this can not be happening. 

But it does. Lucifer Helgrim bares witness as the Westwood takes advantage of William's hesitation, taking a long metal bat and slamming it impossibly hard into Will's calf. Will goes down instantly, falling back until his body lies flat atop cold pavement with a sickening slap. 

Blair is saying something, they can't hear but they can see his mouth move, and then Blair lifts the bat high above his head. 

Don't. Please, please, don't. 

Blair brings the bat down so quickly that it looks like a swift grey blur, but it's the final straw before Lucifer rips away from the hands holding him back and begins sprinting towards his partner. 

This can not be happening. 

No one notices the second car, the low riding muscle car that is speeding down the runway. Lucifer's crew hesitate to shoot at it, but most of them are chasing after Helgrim as they watch Blair Westwood lose his mind under the grey sky. 

"WILL," Lucifer is yelling, screaming, as he gets closer and closer and-

Will is shell shocked, frozen in place, as Blair lifts the bat for the third time. 


The second car, a white sports model from Lucifer's garage, comes to a squeaking halt several yards from Reed and Westwood. Out of the car barrels Nya and Angel, both of whom have tears trailing down their faces, their eyes wide and scared. 

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