Chapter 22

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                             Landon's POV

Months passed since Emma woke up from her comma and we still have no idea what happened back then.
Every once in a while, we either find blood or a letter that only threatens Alexia's life.
Rogues are also still found roaming a few miles away from the pack's borders but, my pack warriors captured two who trespassed our territory. One who was killed on the spot while the other was taken to the pack's prison. He somehow got killed.

As we were interrogating him, the werewolf's brown eyes turned to a bright shade of purple. The same purple ones I saw when Emma got...I don't know what should I call that. Possessed maybe?

That rogue also said a few lines about killing our Luna and revenge. A repeat of what happened but half-out his death. I intended to kill him later on after making him reveal the truth but it seems that someone was either watching us or, there was a curse on him or something that has to do with magic.

After Emma was good to have a talk, she and Alexia spent some time but with no-vain; Emma couldn't remember anything but suddenly getting angry then blacking out.

I sigh as I crumble the new threat which one of the warriors on duty to guard the borders found.

A knock came on my office door. As I told Oliver to come in, we started talking about every clue we have gathered about the threats and rogues. We agreed to speak about them this morning. I left Alexia with Noah and Emma as they went to the library.

"So we know that the threats appear on walls using blood. We don't know who or what blood is it either." Oliver said.

"And the letters come on the second of every month. They are found on the borders' line."Noah shivered as I said that.

"Yeah and, they are also weird and creepy ones. Every time the letter contains one word."

"And up till now, the sentence we have is, «The time will come.»

"And this is the letter with a rogue I found today. It says, «soon.»
This is just way too creepy in my opinion. Who wants to threaten our pack?"

"Oliver, don't forget that I found Alexia this year. They now have a new way to bring us down."

"By hurting her..."
I merely nodded as I went to the door.

"We're going to the rogue?"He fathered the letters and put them in the desk drawer.

"Yes, now."
Oliver's POV

"I said who sent you, mutt!" Landon growled at the rogue.
The rogue sent him a glare.

"Do not try to play this game with me, alpha, you shall only understand what you fear when it hits you ."He snarled back at him.

He was playing a deadly game. Landon's not one of the werewolves you would like to mess with. Ever.

Landon has already beat him up enough. Bruises coloured his entire face. His watery purple eye didn't look so good besides the green, yellow and blue spots on his skin. Blood was oozing out of his most probably broken nose for a while now.

As the rogue tried to spit some saliva mixed with blood on Landon, I heard a crack from his jaw as Landon's knuckles connected with his jaw, breaking it in the process.
He lowly whimpered in pain.
His mouth was now wide open, each jaw was now almost on opposite sides, making him look like a zombie. His eyes rolled back, indicating that he was knocked out.

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